Glad to see Reagan era Star Wars was successful. Sad to see it used to destroy our country. Thank you American Corporations for selling the technology to our enemies. Hope you choke on the bonus pool.
The guy taking the video was standing at a gas station. Did it even occur to him that he needed to take cover? Imagine the fireworks if they'd hit that gas station.
I remember seeing this a year ago? It was a California street and the engine blocks of the cars were melted but the trees were ok. Weird stuff, could not understand but they mentioned energy weapons. Nice to see it in action. Now apply to the mural and the church supporting gays. It looks biblical but may be messaging by white hats instead. Nice, scary a little as well.
Glad to see Reagan era Star Wars was successful. Sad to see it used to destroy our country. Thank you American Corporations for selling the technology to our enemies. Hope you choke on the bonus pool.
The guy taking the video was standing at a gas station. Did it even occur to him that he needed to take cover? Imagine the fireworks if they'd hit that gas station.
Funny how to cars are just casually driving down the road while everything is exploding in that first example.
But that's how people react they do not understand what is happening to realize that they are in danger. Like Ralphy on the bus. Haha, I'm in danger.
Hi fren
We redirect posts on the subject of DEWs to
It's our current policy.
I don't disagree at all but I checked our policy on it.
Damn, maybe this was project blue beam all along.
I remember seeing this a year ago? It was a California street and the engine blocks of the cars were melted but the trees were ok. Weird stuff, could not understand but they mentioned energy weapons. Nice to see it in action. Now apply to the mural and the church supporting gays. It looks biblical but may be messaging by white hats instead. Nice, scary a little as well.
I thought the WH were in control of all the space weapons. Is there a rogue DEW weapon the clowns have, like their submarine?
I thought the WH were in control of all the space weapons. Is there a rogue DEW weapon the clowns have, like their submarine?