Cliff High says this is the year they start to shine in the spotlight and get exposed. I try to do my part by getting info out so people are aware of who the "deep state" is. I have noticed a heightened awareness growing by the day.
There was a book written called "The Thirteenth Tribe that did expose the Askenazis (Khazarians).The jewish author "Mr. Koestler was born in Hungary and became a British subject in 1945. Obviously his death by "suicide" was intended to kill the messenger . . because they couldn't refute his message!!
Thus, while it is a fact that all true Jews are Israelites (because they are descended from the House of Judah), it can be proven by research that Not All Who Say They Are Jews Are True Israelites.
“After many years of research, Arthur Koestler, the well known Jewish author, published a 255 page book titled ‘The Thirteenth Tribe’. In this he proves that the Eastern European “Jews” (who migrated west), are not Israelites or “Semitics”, but actually Khazars, Mongols and Huns.” ~Arthur Koestler, the well known Jewish author.
This link will take you through the history of the Khazarian Tribes among others that Mr. Koestler describes in his book.
I have been doing lots of research so feel free to ask me any questions. What in particular would make you say what you said in your reply. This documentary "Europa The Last Battle" is amazing also. You won't view history the same way again once you watch it. It's 12 hours long but feel free to check it out if you want. I'll leave the link below.
Issue is, they systematically murdered off the real Jews long ago for shining the same light we are today.
I’ve seen data showing up to 80% of Israelis are Ashkenazi by blood. The Teaching of Jesus in Israel was voted a crime by 90% of the elected govt but PM vetoed it setting up countrywide protests & rioting.
The Star of David is found nowhere in the Bible, only The Star of Remphran, the star of Saturn…ie The Morning Star…ie. Lucifer the Light Bringer. The Jewish Talmud is akin to a Genocide Handbook against Whites.
So this little Jewish punk pretended to be a NAZI, eh? WTAF was he 'thinking'?
Well I'm glad he's been doxxed and outed in public. Let's see him live that down.
He was just following orders...
He's a Khazarian. They are the NAZIs.
((They)) can't keep getting away with this!
Cliff High says this is the year they start to shine in the spotlight and get exposed. I try to do my part by getting info out so people are aware of who the "deep state" is. I have noticed a heightened awareness growing by the day.
Things are looking bleak in Sweden. I think that USA will be the first country to kickstart The Great Awakening. God speed!
There was a book written called "The Thirteenth Tribe that did expose the Askenazis (Khazarians).The jewish author "Mr. Koestler was born in Hungary and became a British subject in 1945. Obviously his death by "suicide" was intended to kill the messenger . . because they couldn't refute his message!!
Thus, while it is a fact that all true Jews are Israelites (because they are descended from the House of Judah), it can be proven by research that Not All Who Say They Are Jews Are True Israelites.
“After many years of research, Arthur Koestler, the well known Jewish author, published a 255 page book titled ‘The Thirteenth Tribe’. In this he proves that the Eastern European “Jews” (who migrated west), are not Israelites or “Semitics”, but actually Khazars, Mongols and Huns.” ~Arthur Koestler, the well known Jewish author.
This link will take you through the history of the Khazarian Tribes among others that Mr. Koestler describes in his book.
I have been doing lots of research so feel free to ask me any questions. What in particular would make you say what you said in your reply. This documentary "Europa The Last Battle" is amazing also. You won't view history the same way again once you watch it. It's 12 hours long but feel free to check it out if you want. I'll leave the link below.
This has been proven irrefutable thru DNA.
Issue is, they systematically murdered off the real Jews long ago for shining the same light we are today.
I’ve seen data showing up to 80% of Israelis are Ashkenazi by blood. The Teaching of Jesus in Israel was voted a crime by 90% of the elected govt but PM vetoed it setting up countrywide protests & rioting.
The Star of David is found nowhere in the Bible, only The Star of Remphran, the star of Saturn…ie The Morning Star…ie. Lucifer the Light Bringer. The Jewish Talmud is akin to a Genocide Handbook against Whites.