"Trusting the science" w/o any scientific method is blind faith.
🧠 These people are stupid!
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Don’t trust the science unless you also follow the money.
Excessive faith in science is epistemologically unsound. The scientific method has limits. Insisting otherwise is a dogma called scientism. Look it up.
Never believe anyone who tells you the science is settled, or that there's a scientific consensus.
Consensus is a marketing word. Follow the money.
Science is never settled.
It always has to pick the scab.
Science is method, not ideology. It has neither pope nor dogma. However, its practitioners have entrenched viewpoints and fads. There are unquestioned assumptions and sloppy logic.
Not sure why ya threw the word pope in there. But the Catholic Church has long funded and endorsed scientific research. Roger Bacon was a 13th-century English priest and scientist who emphasized the study of nature through empirical observation. Bacon is credited with creating and formalizing the world’s most coherent scientific method. The scientific method is an empirical method of learning about the universe around us. It involves careful observation and rigorous skepticism about what is observed because biased assumptions can distort how one interprets data.
The Church has also held that science and Christianity does not oppose one another, but rather supports and complements. Yet, we’ve barely scratched the surface of God’s masterful crafting of the universe and life as we know it
Don't be misled by a prejudice. Here is a list of all the Christian scientists and inventors. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Christians_in_science_and_technology I never said scientists were not Christians, or not even Catholics. I said science has no Pope, no monarch to make decrees. If you think otherwise, I would be surprised. Meanwhile, my comment is accurate, I think.
First and foremost, Catholics are Christians, the very first Christians. Christians are those who follow and abide by Christ. Catholic is the Greek word for the universal Church. Popes occupy the seat of St. Peter, they lead and feed the sheep. Popes do not have authority to change dogma or Christian doctrine nor anything contrary to Catholic teachings. Popes can’t even make any proclamations about scientific research and proofs.
Yet, time and time again, science has proven to be complementary to Christianity. Take the Big Bang theory for example, theorized by a Catholic monk, which has revealed to us what God did in the first day, “Let there be Light”. A burst of energy from a point of infinite density and zero mass. The Church promotes scientific research but it would always fall short in discovering the mystery of God which requires faith. That is where the pope and the Church comes in, to lead us in faith
Look, I'm not interested in inter-sectarian debates. The very first Christians founded the Church of Jerusalem. And others. After a thousand years, the Bishop of the Roman Church got delusions of grandeur and declared himself a Pope. The other bishops of the various churches didn't agree. The "Seat of St. Peter" is an invention of the Church of Rome. Over time, the Church of Rome arrogated to itself the term "catholic," which is where we are today. And the Church of Rome has intervened into scientific inquiry with, for example, the arrest of Gallileo. In other matters, you ought to pay attention to the critique of Martin Luther, as regards the spiritual corruption of the Church of Rome.
As for the dependence of science and technology on Christianity, I have already given you a reference to a very long list of Christian scientists and inventors, so kindly drop the pose that you have to convince me of anything.
By the way, the Big Bang is not turning out to be such a good hypothesis. The observational evidence of Halton Arp seems to show the universe being in a continual state of creation.
Original science yeah, but this is a 1984 redefinition of science that we're experiencing.
It's no different than Jehovah's witnesses Mormons claiming that they're Christians. They're not but they thoroughly believe that they are.
That's what these people have been discipled to believe by their gods in the government and media. Make no mistake, in this form it is dogmatic. It involves worship and rituals. (Masks, vaccines) And if you question their definition or their religious practices they will label you essentially a heretic.
It's all over the place in hard science. Astrophysics and cosmology. Particle physics. Geophysics. I hesitate to mention "climate science," which is little more than climate seance. Medical science is muddled and compromised. This is why it is not enough to be on the right side. It is necessary to understand for one's self.
Go one step deeper.... Presuppositional apologetics.
They can't account for science without borrowing from the judeo Christian worldview. Can't account for laws of logic, induction, laws of physics, or that the future will be like the past. Oh and forget about objective standards of morality.
The scientific method relies on a created order and ultimately God. Without Him everything is just subjective and you can't "know" anything. You're just matter floating through space acted upon by time and chance signifying nothing. You don't even have thoughts, just chemical reactions in your brain. And you can't truth from a chemical reaction.
Van Till nailed it.
I often point out that essentially all of what we consider to be modern science and technology was discovered or invented by Christians. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Christians_in_science_and_technology That is a difficult pill for atheist scoffers to swallow. (Another interesting list can be found at https://www.famousscientists.org/great-scientists-christians/ .)