No president (our employee) is allowed to attempt a "joke" like that, while discussing technology with the leaders of the second most populous nation on earth.
This is deadly serious. And, any libtard clowns who try to act like this is acceptable behavior for a US president need to be made to understand that Biden is part of an international espionage ring engaged in treason against the USA, and that their boy Biden is likely going to end up spending the las minutes of his life on a firing squad, or smoldering in an electric chair. This is far worse than a technicality type of crime. This is a level of espionage that has endangered the lives every one of us, our future generations, and the standing of our nation in the world.
Read the comments.
They are justifying this.
Well..he's an actor so,....
Yes - the others are already laughing because they anticipated a sarcastic remark. This was a failed joke.
No, it was a failed coherent complete thought
No president (our employee) is allowed to attempt a "joke" like that, while discussing technology with the leaders of the second most populous nation on earth.
This is deadly serious. And, any libtard clowns who try to act like this is acceptable behavior for a US president need to be made to understand that Biden is part of an international espionage ring engaged in treason against the USA, and that their boy Biden is likely going to end up spending the las minutes of his life on a firing squad, or smoldering in an electric chair. This is far worse than a technicality type of crime. This is a level of espionage that has endangered the lives every one of us, our future generations, and the standing of our nation in the world.
It is like that "you ain't black" the libtards back it up by he said sorry.