Hi fren, here's the Hillsdale college lecture. At 12min 30secs he talks about how they have the engineering capability now to transport humans anywhere on earth in 1 hr, get energy from space, etc. It's well worth the listen and talks a lot about Space Force.
Do you have a link to that Hillsdale College lecture?
Hi fren, here's the Hillsdale college lecture. At 12min 30secs he talks about how they have the engineering capability now to transport humans anywhere on earth in 1 hr, get energy from space, etc. It's well worth the listen and talks a lot about Space Force.
Thank you! This is an incredible lecture. Something I think we all need to see & understand.
Yes I agree with you @ u/HonestBobbin it is a remarkable lecture. It's why I remembered it.
Gimme a few mins and I'll find it for you.
Thank you!