I have long been a proponent of using the criminally disturbed and evil as tools to progress science, e.g. space exploration, testing, and deep sea exploration could be interesting as well.
You offer them a choice; die in shame by execution, or sacrifice themselves for forward progress. Whether that is testing new rockets, new submersibles, giving us new data on exposure to space and the radiation spread across it, etc.
I have long been a proponent of using the criminally disturbed and evil as tools to progress science, e.g. space exploration, testing, and deep sea exploration could be interesting as well.
You offer them a choice; die in shame by execution, or sacrifice themselves for forward progress. Whether that is testing new rockets, new submersibles, giving us new data on exposure to space and the radiation spread across it, etc.
Did in shame, or die with dignity.
Bonus points if we get to see the results.
Thats not Justice. Trial and a swift execution.
Justice comes in a lot of flavors. The victim of the crime should have to agree to it too, of course.