All these people talking about people "accidentally watching it" are talking out their asses. Anyone who saw it did so deliberately and anyone who says otherwise hasnt seen it. That video, which I do believe exists, is one of the fastest-scrubbed things from the internet, if it exists.
I've warned people before that this video would most definitely fall under child abuse laws, so owning, or even just viewing it, is illegal. They can downvote all they want, but that's the reality of it. This video is a "view at your own risk" form of media, whether video OR uncensored screenshots.
I have searched endlessly to find it. Where can I see this? Not that I want to buy I need to.
All these people talking about people "accidentally watching it" are talking out their asses. Anyone who saw it did so deliberately and anyone who says otherwise hasnt seen it. That video, which I do believe exists, is one of the fastest-scrubbed things from the internet, if it exists.
Just viewing it is committing a crime, fyi. But yes, it needs to be analyized
Oh, The irony 🤯 It's illegal to watch it but the criminals walk freely.
You'll get no argument from me. Just trying to prevent a fren from getting effbeeyed, but I see the downdooters are out in full force today
I've warned people before that this video would most definitely fall under child abuse laws, so owning, or even just viewing it, is illegal. They can downvote all they want, but that's the reality of it. This video is a "view at your own risk" form of media, whether video OR uncensored screenshots.
If one gets arrested for watching it or downloading it, wouldn't the prosecutor have to prove it is real?
Thats a great point. But I can see some loophole opening up about child abuse AI images are still child abuse images. Who knows
Quick question, did any of the commenters on this thread who claim to have watched it get charged with a crime?
I am not aware of any. But if they are in a federal gulag, would they be able to post ?
There are still a lot of sealed indictments.
We don't know who they are for.
I hope not for random people who stumble on that video.
You can't find it, it's under US mil control