266 Vaccination Expert’ Dr Alfredo Victoria Dies Suddenly at 42 after Promoting Shots on TV (slaynews.com) 🧠 SUDDENLY 🕳️ posted 1 year ago by lovecymru 1 year ago by lovecymru +266 / -0 'Vaccination Expert' Dr Alfredo Victoria Dies Suddenly at 42 after Promoting Shots on TV A popular Mexican TV doctor who regularly appeared on national television to promote vaccines has died suddenly from heart failure at just 42 years old. 50 comments share 50 comments share save hide report block hide replies
This was the greatest IQ test in 100 years. Most failed.
The average person failed, and half of people are stupider than that.
I’m not sure average is what it used to be either. We’ve had some years of common core and retard colleges.
More for me!
I dont see the antivaxxers dying in droves much less at all.
I wonder how many normies are figuring out 2+2=4