Maybe in part it's because you separate and label yourself to a different period of time.Thereby agreeing to the very wall that is intended to isolate yourself from your son. Prior to WWII there was no such thing as a 'generation gap'. It was only in the 1960s that labeling one generation was promoted and used against another to foment revolution in the United States. In order to target a group, one must first label it in order to isolate it ('freeze' it) and repetitiously denounce it. This is Saul Alinsky ideology to the letter.
Alinsky was not original though. This ideology was previously used during the Bolshevik revolution to divide the younger generation against the older generation of Russia. The older generation was predominantly Czarist. The Bolsheviks succeeded in co-opting the younger generation to their cause. The outcome was brutal and the younger generation found out very quickly they were useful idiots. Buyer's remorse doesn't even begin to explain the ruin they brought on themselves.
The same tactics are being used today to divide by casting blame by recklessly blaming everyone of another generation when it is furthest from the truth. There simply is no such thing as a generation gap. In America prior to WWII, it never existed. The enemy is using Bolshevik tactics to divide and destroy America. It's something to be aware of.
I like this a lot. It echoes the wisdom of Ecclesiastes, in which it is said there is nothing new under the sun...which includes "generations." For example, in a cultural sense, even though I was born in the 1950s, I feel a strong sense of attachment, sympathy, and kinship to the 1940s.
Maybe in part it's because you separate and label yourself to a different period of time.Thereby agreeing to the very wall that is intended to isolate yourself from your son. Prior to WWII there was no such thing as a 'generation gap'. It was only in the 1960s that labeling one generation was promoted and used against another to foment revolution in the United States. In order to target a group, one must first label it in order to isolate it ('freeze' it) and repetitiously denounce it. This is Saul Alinsky ideology to the letter.
Alinsky was not original though. This ideology was previously used during the Bolshevik revolution to divide the younger generation against the older generation of Russia. The older generation was predominantly Czarist. The Bolsheviks succeeded in co-opting the younger generation to their cause. The outcome was brutal and the younger generation found out very quickly they were useful idiots. Buyer's remorse doesn't even begin to explain the ruin they brought on themselves.
The same tactics are being used today to divide by casting blame by recklessly blaming everyone of another generation when it is furthest from the truth. There simply is no such thing as a generation gap. In America prior to WWII, it never existed. The enemy is using Bolshevik tactics to divide and destroy America. It's something to be aware of.
So glad you posted this.
They used to say "Don't trust anyone over 30."
Of course the people who came up with that campaign were certainly over 30.
Now the same thing is in play, only they call people boomers.
I like this a lot. It echoes the wisdom of Ecclesiastes, in which it is said there is nothing new under the sun...which includes "generations." For example, in a cultural sense, even though I was born in the 1950s, I feel a strong sense of attachment, sympathy, and kinship to the 1940s.