Entire wind-energy industry could be facing serious technical problems
The high-profile announcement by Siemens Energy that a large portion of its wind turbines could be suffering from faulty components sent its stock tumbling last week, but many industry experts are concerned that the problems it is facing may not be unique,...
In my not so humble an opinion, the entire renewable energy industry has been travelling hopefully by which I mean that people are doing things because they can and not because they have considered the outcome or other implications.
Even if wind turbines will last 20 years without requiring any maintenance at all it still leaves the problem of replacing millions of wind turbines every year should we ever get to the stage where all of our energy, not just elecricity, comes from wind turbines.
I once calculated that, based on current wind turbine annual outputs and the size of wind farms, the US would need turbines over an area equal to 8 times that of Texas! Even with a 20 year lifespan you would be replacing turbines every single day.
Recently I saw a story circulating on the net that said wind farms in Germany appeared to be causing local drought. Here's an example: https://stopthesethings.com/2023/06/09/climate-changing-germanys-30000-wind-turbines-ca
Same site has published same story before, but they do give some links. Here's a more scientific study: https://esd.copernicus.org/articles/2/1/2011/
and another: https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms4196?origin=ppub#citeas
that both conclude wind power isn't as efficient as touted. These aren't recent. Given that the turbines aren't recycleable, they damage wildlife, the vibration causes stress in life near them, they don't supply enough reliable power, they seem to raise the local temperature, and now they seem to be causing local soil dehydration with more knock-on effects, it seems to me pretty alarming and a real threat to many, many people in the long run. As bad as the long term damage from vaccines. This is worth a dig.
Isnt as efficient as touted? Way worse than that. Wind turbines require more power to produce than they will generate in their lifetime. What does this mean? If they were to suspend all use of 'fossil' fuels, they wouldnt be able to produce wind turbines because they are a net negative in energy and you would reach the point where there isnt enough energy remaining to replace those that no longer produce at all. Diminishing returns leads to zero.
Similar to the fallacy of electric cars. Same old same old.
How is anything related to the pedo death cults op to depopulate and enslave not Q related?
I believe that the article on wind turbines is Q related. The deep state wants us dead.and it is clear that problems such as raising the temperature and local drought.
Scrap metal, and other toxic stuff.
Their plan to dim the sun will have the affect of producing less wind... Idiots
Not to mention rain and snow. When Mr. Burns blocked out the sun on The Simpsons, he used a super large disk installed on one very narrow pole. Then the townspeople used a small news van and a chain to take it down. God uses clouds to block out the sun.