You make some good points...or how about Caroline's kids singing "We're not gonna take it"? Don't forget the Kennedy's were protected by Onassis after the assassination...
I lived on Cape Cod for 25 years and even got to interview Ethel Kennedy once for a local magazine I wrote for.
My feeling is that the Kennedys had much to lose by not playing woke. They all know the CIA killed their family members. Why did they not rail against the tragic and horrifying murders?
Family first. Protectionism. Wanting to hold their status in society. Also, the cabal has a way of getting people to see things their way. They must be convincing everyone the world is going to end.
In return, the cabal has mostly taken decent care of the Kennedys, if you don’t count John Jr.
The Kennedys mostly towed the cabal line in exchange for safety, security, and status. Sell outs until RFK Jr. came along.
Well...I believe John Jr. is alive...too much photo proofs...I think he beat them on this one...would love to have this confirmed in the near future...
You have an interesting view/experience...thanks..
Understand that this Q post is non-sensical if JFK Jr. was 'still alive'. Reconcile how Trump has stated that his only weakness is that he "never forgives".
You make some good points...or how about Caroline's kids singing "We're not gonna take it"? Don't forget the Kennedy's were protected by Onassis after the assassination...
I lived on Cape Cod for 25 years and even got to interview Ethel Kennedy once for a local magazine I wrote for.
My feeling is that the Kennedys had much to lose by not playing woke. They all know the CIA killed their family members. Why did they not rail against the tragic and horrifying murders?
Family first. Protectionism. Wanting to hold their status in society. Also, the cabal has a way of getting people to see things their way. They must be convincing everyone the world is going to end.
In return, the cabal has mostly taken decent care of the Kennedys, if you don’t count John Jr.
The Kennedys mostly towed the cabal line in exchange for safety, security, and status. Sell outs until RFK Jr. came along.
Well...I believe John Jr. is alive...too much photo proofs...I think he beat them on this one...would love to have this confirmed in the near future...
You have an interesting view/experience...thanks..
I don’t discount anything. Not in this day and age.
JFK Jr. being alive is a sick Clown joke.
Understand that this Q post is non-sensical if JFK Jr. was 'still alive'. Reconcile how Trump has stated that his only weakness is that he "never forgives".