There's the Schoolhouse Rock song from 1975, and then there's reality:
"For example, consider recent claims by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., that he alone decides what bills get considered on the Senate floor. When asked if the Senate would consider legislation to protect special counsel Robert Mueller, McConnell responded, “I’m the one who decides what we take to the floor, that’s my responsibility as the majority leader, and we will not be having this on the floor of the Senate.” Or take Harry Reid’s, D-NV., regular habit of deciding what, if any, amendments were permitted to be offered to bills when he was majority leader.
Yet notwithstanding the mounting frustration among rank-and-file members during the tenures of both leaders, neither Reid nor McConnell saw a significant challenge to their leadership. The takeaway from this is that party leaders wield more power today than at any other point in the Senate’s history."
It is true they are powerful, and control every bill that reaches the Senate (and of course any non-spending bill they create), but they can't pass their own spending bills. They can only hold them up, or amend them and send back to the House to try to get them to agree. They could try drafting one but the House has zero obligation to do anything with it.
I do get the point you are making though. Senate leaders are very powerful, and Washington has a long history of bribery, deals, and strong-arm tactics. A Senate leader could refuse to consider anything from the House unless they do his bidding, or even offer to name a post office in BFE for the House member. It happens. It might even be legal, but it shouldn't.
Oh - Schoolhouse Rock was great and should have never gone away. But:
“All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.” — Article I, Section 7, Clause 1
Nope. The House has the purse strings.
Where are you getting this stuff?
There's the Schoolhouse Rock song from 1975, and then there's reality:
"For example, consider recent claims by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., that he alone decides what bills get considered on the Senate floor. When asked if the Senate would consider legislation to protect special counsel Robert Mueller, McConnell responded, “I’m the one who decides what we take to the floor, that’s my responsibility as the majority leader, and we will not be having this on the floor of the Senate.” Or take Harry Reid’s, D-NV., regular habit of deciding what, if any, amendments were permitted to be offered to bills when he was majority leader.
Yet notwithstanding the mounting frustration among rank-and-file members during the tenures of both leaders, neither Reid nor McConnell saw a significant challenge to their leadership. The takeaway from this is that party leaders wield more power today than at any other point in the Senate’s history."
It is true they are powerful, and control every bill that reaches the Senate (and of course any non-spending bill they create), but they can't pass their own spending bills. They can only hold them up, or amend them and send back to the House to try to get them to agree. They could try drafting one but the House has zero obligation to do anything with it.
I do get the point you are making though. Senate leaders are very powerful, and Washington has a long history of bribery, deals, and strong-arm tactics. A Senate leader could refuse to consider anything from the House unless they do his bidding, or even offer to name a post office in BFE for the House member. It happens. It might even be legal, but it shouldn't.
Oh - Schoolhouse Rock was great and should have never gone away. But: