A few years ago, my then-wife and I decided to more openly embrace an element of our relationship that had been acknowledged since we got together in college: We liked seeing, and sleeping with, other people. Until we arrived at that choice, the outside dating had remained off-radar, and we didn’t much discuss it at home, let alone with friends — though some were aware of this behavior. When we “came out,” so to speak (I don’t believe the phrase applies in the way it does for LGBTQ individuals), we set up OkCupid profiles, coordinated time spent together vs. evenings with new crushes, and fielded questions from anyone curious about how it all worked. In looking for women to meet, I of course had an eye out for those who identified as “poly,” or polyamorous.
Even so, certain poly individuals nurse a sense of victimhood surrounding their romantic life. I was guilty of this when my parents discovered — by an accident of gossip — that my wife and I existed in this mold. I fought with my family a lot, which was unusual, and imagined, for the first and only time, that Mom and Dad were old, recoiling conservatives. I went on a dumb little Twitter tirade, which was aggregated into an embarrassing post on Jezebel. (The tweets are now deleted, but to my credit, I never would have sued the company into oblivion.) I wish I could take the whole episode back, not because I think my parents were right — they were dead wrong — but because I acted as if my tantrum were a righteous cause. It was the byproduct of the polyamorist logic whereby you cast yourself as cutting-edge, extra-smart, disruptive and futuristic.
I can’t say polyamory didn’t complicate my own life. To make a long story incredibly short, I’m now separated from my wife and living with a partner I met during the marriage — and I know that to some people, that will sound as unsavory as the poly relationship I left. I don’t particularly care, because love is messy however you approach it, and I’ve tried, if not always with success, to be ethical, honest and kind in matters of the heart.
His take on conservatives' fear of the rise of pedophilia:
He's separated from his wife - there's a big surprise!
These kinds of people work so hard to glamorize their lives which are based around sin, and then blame their failures on love. My wife and I have been married for over 31 years now, and love each other more every day. We certainly couldn't have achieved this if we were sleeping around on each other.
Satan works overtime to poison something as wonderful and meaningful as love.
if this flake would take a look at Megan's list in his area, he would most likely see all the freaks that live next door to him or his surrounding neighborhood. and it's the conservative that have the problem and make up lies????
i cannot wait until these people wake up!!
Miles Klee
That's it's name.
I can guarantee this person is either a flaming fag or trans moron.
This dude's a mess.
His take on conservatives' fear of the rise of pedophilia:
He's separated from his wife - there's a big surprise!
These kinds of people work so hard to glamorize their lives which are based around sin, and then blame their failures on love. My wife and I have been married for over 31 years now, and love each other more every day. We certainly couldn't have achieved this if we were sleeping around on each other.
Satan works overtime to poison something as wonderful and meaningful as love.
Yup, satan's certainly got this idiot thinking he's some higher form of human just because he hangs out with the cool swinger kids.
he's just a male whore making excuses for his behavior.
if this flake would take a look at Megan's list in his area, he would most likely see all the freaks that live next door to him or his surrounding neighborhood. and it's the conservative that have the problem and make up lies???? i cannot wait until these people wake up!!
Some of them are just pretending to be asleep because they enjoy rolling around in the filth.