I want to see every damn sex offender/pedophile get the DEATH SENTENCE. Those involved in pornography creation-life in prison. Those who possess pornography-30-50 years. Strict punishment is the only deterrent.
Those that are put in prison will face living hell or death by inmates during the 30-50 year sentence. That would be more punishment than the death penalty. But I am fine with either because they are a scourge on society.
I want them to not only get the DEATH SENTENCE but a TORTURE SENTENCE as well. Both performed in public so that other cowards thinking about harming children can see what will happen to them if they follow through. Start with 50 lashes.
These fucktards can ruin a child's whole life - drug addiction, sexual promiscuity, alcoholism, personality disorders can all be the result of childhood sexual abuse.
That dude showed a lot of restraint as far as I’m concerned. Guess it isn’t worth going to prison and miss your kids life but it would take a lot of restraint.
Actually, I think he admitted that he's "a registered sex offender". I have a long-term good friend who is "a registered sex offender" and I know for a fact that he's not the slightest bit interested in young kids but he pleaded guilty to save certain members of his family from getting into deep trouble. (No, they weren't sex offenders either - it's complicated.) Anyway, I just want to make the point that the law isn't perfect.
That said, the old guy should have had the sense to stay away.
I'm going to err on the side of caution and assume you hastily skimmed through the video w/o listening to the audio or noticing the parents exiting the house and confronting the man in their yard.
I'm going to remove your comment without further action to save you the embarrassment.
I want to see every damn sex offender/pedophile get the DEATH SENTENCE. Those involved in pornography creation-life in prison. Those who possess pornography-30-50 years. Strict punishment is the only deterrent.
there is no cure for them. they all need to die. no matter how long they are locked away, as soon as they get out they start back up again.
Those that are put in prison will face living hell or death by inmates during the 30-50 year sentence. That would be more punishment than the death penalty. But I am fine with either because they are a scourge on society.
as long as they never get out of prison, i don't care what happens to them.
yeah.. it's something in their spirit that is truly encased in evil. Death penalty is the only cure and saving them from committing more sins.
I want them to not only get the DEATH SENTENCE but a TORTURE SENTENCE as well. Both performed in public so that other cowards thinking about harming children can see what will happen to them if they follow through. Start with 50 lashes.
These fucktards can ruin a child's whole life - drug addiction, sexual promiscuity, alcoholism, personality disorders can all be the result of childhood sexual abuse.
I can think of a much better response...
Nothing like a good therapeutic beatdown.
Justice is served from the father's vengeance for his daughter against her sex offender.
i would have used a bat on him. this father has great restraint by only slapping him.
That dude showed a lot of restraint as far as I’m concerned. Guess it isn’t worth going to prison and miss your kids life but it would take a lot of restraint.
For punishment to equal the crime, castration then prison. He admitted he was a child sex offender.
Actually, I think he admitted that he's "a registered sex offender". I have a long-term good friend who is "a registered sex offender" and I know for a fact that he's not the slightest bit interested in young kids but he pleaded guilty to save certain members of his family from getting into deep trouble. (No, they weren't sex offenders either - it's complicated.) Anyway, I just want to make the point that the law isn't perfect.
That said, the old guy should have had the sense to stay away.
I bet your friend doesn't lurk around toddlers' yards either
This is the way. I want a turn!!
I'm going to err on the side of caution and assume you hastily skimmed through the video w/o listening to the audio or noticing the parents exiting the house and confronting the man in their yard.
I'm going to remove your comment without further action to save you the embarrassment.