I am a pretty big fan these days of Just Human, and his take on Elon (and AI) is pretty interesting. Around 1:18 in. His approach made me rethink my thoughts about AI.
At this juncture, I think that disinfo agents have pushed the whole neurolink thing so that patriots or freedom loving people etc, react against Musk and associate him with the transhumanist agenda of the WEF, Meta, etc.
As far as I understand his thinking, it makes a LOT of sense to me.
a) Information technology has advanced so incredibly, its super, super quick, compared with how we living men and women can input or interact with it. Tech can now do billions of calculations etc, in second, but we still take a LONG time to input or retrieve data, etc.
b) this is a serious disadvantage in terms of mastering and controlling the tech now.
c) whoever controls the tech will have incredible power, so its important that this power does not simply get taken over by <evil people>.
Something like that.
3 years ago, I knew nothing about musk except his name, the tesla name, and he appeared on the Big Bang theory as some super tech nerd.
The more I listen to Musk, the more I find myself liking him, his personality, and his thinking.
Here is one thing:
a) the truth about MANY things has not been shared with us, deliberately, but certain controllers who do not have our best interests in mind.
b) our spiritual understanding of the universe, God, and such mysteries has been limited because of the evil spiritual influences that have dominated humanity since whenever
When the Great Awakening is truly accomplished, it will bear fruit for many decades, centuries and more in the future. We're going to have to be open to thinking about things in new ways, and adjusting our perspectives about reality in ways that are new. I like Musk because he's serious about thinking through things.
I don't necessarily agree with his view about some things, and I think there are certain things that he doesn't get ....yet. But the more I listen, the more I feel confidence in his intentions and his priorities for himself.
Being right is not the greatest character trait. Integrity however, perhaps is.
Many other aspects of the Musk 'thing', but these are some of my (current) thoughts.
Just listened to what I consider an interesting yutub clip with a few clips of Babylon Bee and others interviewing Elon.
Worth a listen (although the first section is repeated, so be aware)
Ignore the title, it's total clickbait.
I am a pretty big fan these days of Just Human, and his take on Elon (and AI) is pretty interesting. Around 1:18 in. His approach made me rethink my thoughts about AI.
At this juncture, I think that disinfo agents have pushed the whole neurolink thing so that patriots or freedom loving people etc, react against Musk and associate him with the transhumanist agenda of the WEF, Meta, etc.
As far as I understand his thinking, it makes a LOT of sense to me.
a) Information technology has advanced so incredibly, its super, super quick, compared with how we living men and women can input or interact with it. Tech can now do billions of calculations etc, in second, but we still take a LONG time to input or retrieve data, etc.
b) this is a serious disadvantage in terms of mastering and controlling the tech now.
c) whoever controls the tech will have incredible power, so its important that this power does not simply get taken over by <evil people>.
Something like that.
3 years ago, I knew nothing about musk except his name, the tesla name, and he appeared on the Big Bang theory as some super tech nerd.
The more I listen to Musk, the more I find myself liking him, his personality, and his thinking.
Here is one thing:
a) the truth about MANY things has not been shared with us, deliberately, but certain controllers who do not have our best interests in mind.
b) our spiritual understanding of the universe, God, and such mysteries has been limited because of the evil spiritual influences that have dominated humanity since whenever
When the Great Awakening is truly accomplished, it will bear fruit for many decades, centuries and more in the future. We're going to have to be open to thinking about things in new ways, and adjusting our perspectives about reality in ways that are new. I like Musk because he's serious about thinking through things.
I don't necessarily agree with his view about some things, and I think there are certain things that he doesn't get ....yet. But the more I listen, the more I feel confidence in his intentions and his priorities for himself.
Being right is not the greatest character trait. Integrity however, perhaps is.
Many other aspects of the Musk 'thing', but these are some of my (current) thoughts.