This goes into the Epstein thing. About him working with the white hats. Faking his death to secure him. Now I’m not saying he’s innocent by no means. But I just thought it was interesting in that movie they had a billionaire working with them, to grab a bunch of kids and traffickers. The actor said “we use him from time to time” in the movie. I’m betting that real billionaire(s) would help if approached by white hats or the good guys in a sense. Especially if their head was on a chopping block. I just got a sense that this happened with Epstein island. I remember all the photos and videos taken afterwards on that island. I know this is just random thinking, but I can’t keep that scene outta my head. It’s like a bell went off. Like a shout out to the deepstate…we got you, we got all of you. This move is being attacked severely for a reason. Fear. I hope for great things to come.
Sound of Freedom got me thinking about that sex island scene. “We caught them all”. Shower thought.
🤔💭 Theory 😲💡
Trump is that billionaire.
I thought this, or possibly Patrick Byrne.
Years ago, when I started digging into Tim Ballard, I found Glenn Beck claimed he funded Tom's first mission IIRC. Claimed his lawyer was sitting with him & discouraged it due to potential liability if the mission went sideways. Beck said that God had given him his wealth & he needed to risk it to save God's Children.
I don't know if Beck is a billionaire, though he has helped fund OUR since the beginning.
Beck certainly contributed to funding OUR, but he is not a billionaire. This information was clarified during his interview with Tim on Glenn's podcast on July 3rd.
Thank you, I will need to listen to that one.