our mods work hard to keep it tight here and there's no room for the shilltards to hide like over there. but blaming the entirety of PW is unfair and inaccurate.
I'd agree for the most part, but there is a sour element here.
When you have a jannie insinuating inside connections, information, and propping up known disinfo paytriots... That's problematic. If true, then we've been Ronald/Neon Swansonged at the very least, if not worse. If false, then this jannie is disillusioned to the point of it effecting responsible and non-biased modding.
our mods work hard to keep it tight here and there's no room for the shilltards to hide like over there. but blaming the entirety of PW is unfair and inaccurate.
friendly fire isn't.
I am impressed with the mods consistency. This board has stayed true to its mission, since I joined years back.
Second that. Incredibly good mods team here.
I'd agree for the most part, but there is a sour element here.
When you have a jannie insinuating inside connections, information, and propping up known disinfo paytriots... That's problematic. If true, then we've been Ronald/Neon Swansonged at the very least, if not worse. If false, then this jannie is disillusioned to the point of it effecting responsible and non-biased modding.
Bring the goods. We will take action.
Agreed. I stopped visiting PW after the election, too negative and depressing. This place has the party+hope energy that r/t_d and TD.W used to have.
When Israel comes into view, you will be unleashed.