re: Ballard and accusations now being brought forth....
Hmmm... Doing a bit of a dive on this. Lots of fodder there for speculation. However....
You can often ascertain the direction that certain information and messages are coming from by deconstructing the techniques and methods they use to impress, direct and /or manipulate (aka psyop) the audience's response.
So, for me, rather than digging on all the accusations and claims, my first port of call is to look at what is being said, by who, and in what manner.
Sometimes you can just get a sense of the spirit behind things. (If I was unable to do that, i would never have listened to Q or pursued Q in the first place.)
Is it a mean spirit? is it intended to be divisive, to inspire mistrust as opposed to trust? When it inspires trust, is intended to inspire trust that is reactive and emotional, rather than trust through discernment and independence rather than by appealing to authority?
Yes, there are things that can be questioned.
However, a few things I find encouraging, because they are great targets for deconstruction of (psyop) effectiveness:
Lin Wood and such ilk are heavily attacking Ballard and Caviezel, and Gibson. (apart from anyone or everyone associated with MAGA and Q, etc). I find that encouraging because if Lin wood is attacking it, that's pretty much like CNN attacking it in my book.
A LOT of people are attacking Ballard, etc. Some of the questioning is valid, but they ALSO rely heavily on set prejudices, association, etc., that trigger (in certain people's minds) reactive and negative responses. Religious prejudice, guilt by association, innuendo, etc.
That's another point in the favor of Ballard etc, because the psyop technique of attacking in order to cast doubt by triggering 'bogeymen' and prejudices is well established and by now, hacky.
I found another "investigative" Mormon Stories piece 'raising concerns' about Ballard, OUR, etc, which in the same breath as certain concerns, also cites
"using false statistic to over-state the prevalence of sex trafficking worldwide to lure donors"
"using excessive emotion and religion manipulation to lure donors by claims to be called by God and being protected by God..."
"Drawing money away from legitimate charities who are meaningfully providing solutions...."
Plus the kicker:
"Associating with and taking advantage of known false conspiracy theories like QAnon."
All those things tell me something about where the 'investigator' is coming from.
'false statistics' = Child sex trafficking is not really that big a problem; "Claims to be called by God" = "how dare you say that God has called you to this work?!?!?!"; "legitimate charities" = red cross, oxfam, and all the establishment charities under Cabal control; "False conspiracy theories like qanon" = self-explanatory
This is just s small sample. Only a few data points in a big lake, but for my purposes, they are enough to quickly lead me personally to conclusions about what is going on here. (Maybe my training with Q for 5 years has paid off?)
I don't wish to spend much time on this, but at this juncture, it seems clear to me that the disinfo machine and agents (aka the infiltrators on 'our side' whose mission is to sow discord, confusion, blackpills and division) have been activated to attack Ballard, Caviezel, Sound of Freedom, and Mel.
I see the same spirit that attacks Trump (when they can) because he's evil, he's one of the 'elite', he had a photo with Epstein, he's deep state mobilized to keep us all asleep, etc.
Sound of Freedom is a massive red pill for the wider public. Unless of course we have more than 50 million anons in the USA (I guess that's possible, but where are they all?). As such, the DS Cabal will pull out ALL the stops to cast doubt, dismay, discord, distrust, etc.
It will mobilize the 'LEFT' aka the neo marxist propaganda arm of the media world. It will mobilize the 'RIGHT' aka the infiltrators and disinfo agents and provocateurs within the Q movement and the Great Awakening sphere. All attacking the same thing.
If that isn't a tell, I don't know what is.
PS. I'm not posting links etc here. If you spend even a short time digging on Ballard, OUR, i.e. "timothy blain ballard" or Carlos Slim Ballard, etc iv afreespoke or google you'll find the muck. And, it's mucky. So if you want to dive in, do so. What I'm reporting here is simply my own findings and my own conclusions.
One anon's opinion. Research for yourself. But be prepared for the muck, and ask yourself "what is the spirit active here?" The masters of deceit are masters for a reason. Learn to identify their tactics and their ... vibe. What feelings do they inspire?
Lin Wood is attacking the film and Tim?
A year after Tim Ballard was promoted by Q (post 1881), President Trump appointed Ballard in 2019 to the White House Public-Private Partnership Advisory Council to End Human Trafficking...
Tim Ballard also met with Ivanka Trump and a group of Senators back in 2017 to promote legislation which aimed to prevent human trafficking...
Fucking Shame on those aligned with the Deep State Team Pedo's in attacking this film and Ballard...🤬🤬
I saw an interview with Kash Patel and he was singing high praises of Ballard and Caviezel