The enemy has controlled people in every ethnic group, but to ignore that some groups are tightly bound to their group, and the goals of their group is a dangerous assumption that goes agains the most basic of human genetics. The bonding of groups was basic to the survival of humans.
Some groups have done exceeding well for themselves using that bonding to compete against those that have put to much value rugged individual achievement.
The enemy has controlled people in every ethnic group, but to ignore that some groups are tightly bound to their group, and the goals of their group is a dangerous assumption that goes agains the most basic of human genetics. The bonding of groups was basic to the survival of humans.
Some groups have done exceeding well for themselves using that bonding to compete against those that have put to much value rugged individual achievement.
It's not at simple as that to me.
For Example, I am friends with a lot of Jews. They care about the same stuff we all care about.
They are not interested in joining some type of Cabal for world domination.
Calling out groups just doesn't work. It makes lazy assumptions without thinking deeply.
If we want the easy scapegoat.
I agree that it's easier to say "It's XYZ group".
In reality.
The bad in each group will find themselves working together because they have similar interests.
Everything is about our interests. Humans bond together by interest and passion.
If a group of Jews are criminals. They are not going to call the moral Jews brothers.
The criminal Jews would call the Black or White thug a brother because they have the same interest and passions.