In the hazy future when all this is over and the govt is completely dismantled and rebuilt on the updated Constitution for the Republic of United States of America... why is the number of SCOTUS justices automatically nine? That number appears nowhere in the Constitution referring to number of justices.
The automatic assumption is that it should be more--say 13, like the original colonies.
My question is, why not 7? It's a far less satanic number than 13 and is considered good luck by most, and simplifies things greatly.
Trim off the last two diversity hires (the Brown idiot who is a woman but doesn't know what one is; and this other brown idiot, the openly racist, sexist bigot Sotomayor). Leaving a 5-2 conservative majority.
Well shut mah MOUF! SHAZAM! How can this POSSIBLY happen? is just an isolated incident...
...doggy winks...
fukin amazing isnt it?
In the hazy future when all this is over and the govt is completely dismantled and rebuilt on the updated Constitution for the Republic of United States of America... why is the number of SCOTUS justices automatically nine? That number appears nowhere in the Constitution referring to number of justices.
The automatic assumption is that it should be more--say 13, like the original colonies.
My question is, why not 7? It's a far less satanic number than 13 and is considered good luck by most, and simplifies things greatly.
Trim off the last two diversity hires (the Brown idiot who is a woman but doesn't know what one is; and this other brown idiot, the openly racist, sexist bigot Sotomayor). Leaving a 5-2 conservative majority.
..."7" is the number of completeness....
Doctors are baffled! Oh, wait...well hell, it works for this too!
...doggy winks...
Perhaps congress should ask her about it.
Now do (((Kagan))).
She ought to use some of the money on cosmetic surgery…
...valid observation...
Pronounced Justice "Sodomizer" ...and the American taxpayer just took another one up the ass
Kim Clement has entered the chat.....something something supreme court
...doggy winks...