They could not whip a bunch of agrarian cave dwellers I don't know who the hell they think they are going to defeat the most tenacious warriors the world has ever know.
Disclaimer for glowies: None of my words, expressions, paragraphs, phrases, statements or questions authored by me in this comment when take individually or in aggregate should be taken as supporting any illegal, or unconstitutional action against the constitutionally legitimate government, or any member thereof.
The supreme law of the land states the right to arms shall not be infringed. Let’s get the party started already.
They could not whip a bunch of agrarian cave dwellers I don't know who the hell they think they are going to defeat the most tenacious warriors the world has ever know.
As a point of interest, read this Bill Bridgewater article from 2010.
Disclaimer for glowies: None of my words, expressions, paragraphs, phrases, statements or questions authored by me in this comment when take individually or in aggregate should be taken as supporting any illegal, or unconstitutional action against the constitutionally legitimate government, or any member thereof.