You know what got me? There were Dems who granstanded on race-based statistics having nothing to do with the hearing. So, to me it shows all the whistleblowers said must be true because those Dems had nothing to question or add.
Yes. The beauty of this is that it's also exposing the IRS for being a corrupt agency. Obviously there are some folks working there that are blind to how illegal the irs is but have integrity in doing their job.
The team that screams about whatabouisms, cried what about Jared and ivanka it’s not fear that they have tangible business now leave our corrupt mess alone
You know what got me? There were Dems who granstanded on race-based statistics having nothing to do with the hearing. So, to me it shows all the whistleblowers said must be true because those Dems had nothing to question or add.
Flood the Zone.
Trust in the Distraction "News" Cycle.
Launch next new distraction.
The IRS is not your friend, even when they turn on the Bidens.
Yes. The beauty of this is that it's also exposing the IRS for being a corrupt agency. Obviously there are some folks working there that are blind to how illegal the irs is but have integrity in doing their job.
I like it becuse tbis proves the IRS has no real authority. They can only refer what they find.
Yet the DOJ wants to arrest Trump for Feduary 6th 🤡
Puncake, you've got to get here more often, it was Jamuary 6th! 😉😄
Although I will admit that it was all staged and Feduary would still work! 😊
They lost their integrity long time, why not keep on enriching themselves?🤷🏿♂️
And so are those whom are protecting them, and are the very first people that need to be arrested and indicted with Treason alongside Bidens.
The team that screams about whatabouisms, cried what about Jared and ivanka it’s not fear that they have tangible business now leave our corrupt mess alone