Anheuser-Busch owns more than 100 different beer brands, not just Bud Light. If you really want to stick it to them, stop buying beer or find a local micro brew.
They own dozens and dozens of different alcohol products. The vast majority of people who think they're hurting AB by boycotting Bud Lite aren't hurting them at all because they're just switching to drinking another brand of alcohol that is also owned by AB. If you're doing that, you're still giving them the same amount of money, just through a different revenue stream. They don't care which revenue stream you use to drink your money away, as long as they're the ones that keep getting your money.
You want to boycott AB and hurt them financially? Stop drinking alcohol entirely. It'll be far better for your health and for your family in the long run anyway.
Their share value took a decent hit but that doesn't necessarily tell us all that much about sales performance. They're reporting Q2 results on August 2nd so we'll get more insight then.
Have been part of the community since the very beginning (4chan days), but made an account just for this topic. I can tell you from 1st hand knowledge (dated someone that is with AB and have sat in on her conference calls) that the company is hurting big time. Their sales are down dramatically and they're panicking internally. They've come up with compensation plans for wholesalers that basically say - if your sales in x market are down by 15% this/next quarter you'll be compensated .10 cents a case, 20% gets .20, 25% gets .30 and so on. According to the person I dated, this is unheard of.
AB is massive and therefore has a slew of brands. Some are performing well and some, like Bud, are really suffering. That said, all brands are concerned about layoffs due to the boycotts.
Doesn't matter. Still won't ever catch me drinking a bud product and anyone I see drinking one is a automatically a faggot.
sounds like we need to do more….dude is just asking for it
well thanks for telling us...we can do better
Anheuser-Busch owns more than 100 different beer brands, not just Bud Light. If you really want to stick it to them, stop buying beer or find a local micro brew.
They own dozens and dozens of different alcohol products. The vast majority of people who think they're hurting AB by boycotting Bud Lite aren't hurting them at all because they're just switching to drinking another brand of alcohol that is also owned by AB. If you're doing that, you're still giving them the same amount of money, just through a different revenue stream. They don't care which revenue stream you use to drink your money away, as long as they're the ones that keep getting your money.
You want to boycott AB and hurt them financially? Stop drinking alcohol entirely. It'll be far better for your health and for your family in the long run anyway.
I guess they're like a trillion dollar company considering the stated value losses?
Sounds like copium and deflection but I'm not a Biden or a Clinton so I can't comment as I am not an expert.
Their share value took a decent hit but that doesn't necessarily tell us all that much about sales performance. They're reporting Q2 results on August 2nd so we'll get more insight then.
Well, I have been curious to see if I was right that all boycotts seem to pass. I was starting to waver, but this will indeed be interesting.
Have been part of the community since the very beginning (4chan days), but made an account just for this topic. I can tell you from 1st hand knowledge (dated someone that is with AB and have sat in on her conference calls) that the company is hurting big time. Their sales are down dramatically and they're panicking internally. They've come up with compensation plans for wholesalers that basically say - if your sales in x market are down by 15% this/next quarter you'll be compensated .10 cents a case, 20% gets .20, 25% gets .30 and so on. According to the person I dated, this is unheard of.
AB is massive and therefore has a slew of brands. Some are performing well and some, like Bud, are really suffering. That said, all brands are concerned about layoffs due to the boycotts.
Same CEO that let it happen?
I smell bullshit.
Booty juice has it correct, the Anheuser co. has 100 beer brands, to big to fail? likely, so as the juice says local micro brews!