posted ago by TheFuglyAmerican ago by TheFuglyAmerican +54 / -0


There are articles from every MSM outlet but they are down playing the reality of how pissed off the people are in France. For months now, they are no longer just holding signs but making evenings like a scene straight out of the Modern Warfare 2 remake.



As far as I can tell there are multiple issues going on. The latest and most destructive riots are caused by the populations that live in migrant housing projects. Soros helped to orchestrate the mass migration of Muslim Africans into Europe and his operation has the ability to plan and pay for street violence. Basically, it's the French version of the George Floyd riots.

However, I think these latest violent protests are to cover over and blemish the real protests that have been going on in France for years. Only in the last few months have original French citizens turned to violence. They are resisting a communist take over but once the French people broke the barrier of civility, Soros backed thugs went into action to muddy the water with extremely violent race riots.

The result; the real protests are made to look like BLM bullshit!