Ah, to be on a weasel out list. The Dems probably won't show up because the tribe will tell them not to. Who cares what their constitutes will think. They didn't vote a lot of them in anyway.
The Democraps won't attend, and millions of of sheeple will see it. Whether it will register on the braindead why they refused to even see a movie remains to be seen.
Is it just me, or does anyone else suspect that there ain't gonna be many Democrats at that screening?
I guess I'm just a conspiracy theorist at heart. /s
Then we get a list of their names….works for me.
If they showed up, they would melt
Ah, to be on a weasel out list. The Dems probably won't show up because the tribe will tell them not to. Who cares what their constitutes will think. They didn't vote a lot of them in anyway.
The rinos, how many of them won't show up?
This is gonna be a good test 🐸
If that belief makes you a conspiracy theorist - there are two of us.
The Democraps won't attend, and millions of of sheeple will see it. Whether it will register on the braindead why they refused to even see a movie remains to be seen.
“They need to be reminded that they are precious gifts from God.”
Half of them that showed up would melt just like the wicked witch of the west. Being that exposed to the light, kills darkness. Rrrrreeeeeeeee!
They should be required to see this film. We CAN hold them accountable.
They will have a hard time explaining why they would not see it.
Any Dems who show up may well be disappointed? The movie is serious and is tastefully done, not titillating.
I am anticipating their comparison to MTG questioning in the whistleblower hearing the other day.