Yesterday I was speaking to a client who is an older and very experienced clinical psychiatrist in California. Somehow we got on the subject of transpronounism and I asked his thoughts from a medical perspective. I’m going to try to share his incredibly interesting explanation in plain terms.
First, transgenderism is a form of body dysmorphia, a recognized mental disorder in the big book of mental ailments. It is also, more interestingly, a form of schizophrenia.
Here is how he explained its current proliferation and why it is primarily seen in men:
Men are sexually aroused by visual cues, while women typically are not. A man gets physically sexually aroused by seeing a woman that he finds attractive. A woman recognizes physical attraction but physical arousal generally requires social interaction.
When a man with body dysmorphia puts on a woman’s clothing or make-up and observes himself he gets aroused. At that moment (his exact words), “a minor second personality is born.” This is called multiple personality disorder, or dissociative personality disorder. The man sees the pantomime woman separate from himself and is attracted to the image.
But here is where it gets relevant to the here and now.
Typically this second self stays a very minor influence either because it is treated as a mental disorder or because societal negative feedback causes feelings of shame and recalcitrance. In other words, humans have traditionally informed men that this is odd behavior and men have decided they are right or at least to keep the second self private.
But today, that same behavior inside the unicorn zone creates positive reinforcement for the second self. We have begun supporting and encouraging the second self to manifest and gain influence. We do not just do this locally, where there is possible negative feedback for balance. A man puts on a dress and makeup, goes on social media and thousands of people cheer his courage. He goes to school and the students pat him on the back instead of stuffing his head in a toilet.
By rewarding the second self society encourages the female persona to gain influence, such that it can overpower the original self. The female persona becomes the primary personality and desperately seeks to erase the male original.
But feelings of guilt and shame remain very powerful. The mind’s remedy is to spread the disorder to create a more comfortable inner thought process. We know this as the cliché, “misery loves company.” Trans people need to see more trans people to keep their illusion of normalcy intact.
His professional opinion is that, as a society, we have started an unstoppable wave of nurtured schizophrenia. A very high percentage of transpronoun men will eventually commit suicide because of their immense internal struggle and because they have been taught that seeking mental help is an admission that they are suffering with a disorder. The popular woke notion that the disorder is, in fact, a positive affirmation of self actually keeps the person from looking at it as an issue.
From a global perspective, most countries still treat this as a mental disorder. When we say the rest of the world thinks we have gone crazy, it is not pure hyperbole. A large portion of Western society is literally suffering from mass scale psychosis in very clinical terms.
As I have explained, this is an account of someone I spoke to who has expertise on the matter. This is his explanation. If accurate, which it seems to be, we are facing a truly lost generation.
Appreciate your response- you originally articulated it well. I got it.
Guess I don't wish to even think of it that way... been duped more than a few times over the past 3+ decades of deep divin' rabbit holes... and this one... THE ONE... IF we've yet again been offered the ol' "front man savior" switcheroo? Can't deny this theory has crossed my jaded mind more than a few times... but, can't fathom it. False prophet type shit. So, like you, I don't think so... guess future will prove past? I'm kinda the opposite of a doomer, but wrong or right... it's outta my hands, so I'll ride this wave all the way to shore, with faith in the plan... bc really- what else do we have left at this point?
But this is the opposite of what a real solution must look like. We must take an active part in our future. "The Solution" demands that we recognize our own power and agency or else a savior will be all that can "save us." Contrary to popular belief, that has never turned out well before.
We must appreciate, and learn, every single one of us (or at least a critical mass), that we are Sovereign. We are the Ultimate Authority over our Jurisdiction. We must gain a deep understanding of what that Jurisdiction is. We must work towards the solution ourselves, though the Gestalt of Many Minds, and enacted through our own work.
This is the ONLY solution that does not lead to a thousand years of darkness, where the rest of the nations bow down to Israel, exactly as Revelation says will happen, leading to the "best of all possible worlds". The part they left out, but which is obvious and implicit, is that the best of all possible worlds for Israel, is the worst of all possible worlds for everyone except the Elite Class of Jewish Priests that wrote most of that book in the first place specifically to control the rest of the Canaanites that called themselves "Jews" (or rather, Israelites and Judeans), and completed the final edit we have today.
"That book" being the 'Elders of Zion'?"
Dr Preston James (Veterans Today) said society is rapidly approaching critical mass (estimated @ 10-11℅) but that was circa 2015. Seems we're nearly there by my estimations. And of course realize ONLY "I" can bring about real change in my life, but it's so much easier relying on some one else? Therefore, outta my hands ;)
I actually meant the Bible (the one we have today, but it also applies to the OT they had from before.) But you could also apply it to the Protocols, because the Priest Class of Jews very likely wrote that one too, with similar intent, albeit more overt in it's disclosure.
Of course saying that about the Bible is not a very popular discussion to have, yet it is uncontroversial that the Priest Class of Jews wrote it. It is trivial to show that they wrote it (The Law specifically) to control the Canaanites of the region (that called themselves the descendants of Abraham). I mean... it's called "The Law" for a reason, and it's not because the Source of All Things needed a subset of all of humanity, i.e. the "Chosen People," to give a tenth of their income, their first born as slaves or sacrifices, and their best cuts of meat to the Priests. I mean, the SOURCE OF ALL THINGS doesn't need those things, but the Priest Class of Jews, who wrote that book, sure did enjoy them all. Interestingly, that "tithe" was an Income Tax. The same people doing the same thing in the same way, and We The People think it's a different result. Who's insane?
Tying the parallels of the old into the present day however, even though the connections are all there and easily found, is forbidden territory. Yet I assert a widespread understanding of those connections is a necessary occurrence for an understanding of "why we believe what we believe," which will lead to the only possible solution. To wit, we must understand that the teachings of the Bible are pure fuckery, designed specifically to lead to an Israel run world, with everyone as slaves. Instead we should embrace the teachings of Jesus, which are completely different.
And of course they are. Why would the Priest Class of Jews allow for the real solution to be what most of the world believes? Jesus wasn't telling us he would save us (he himself is never quoted as saying anything even remotely similar to that), he was telling us that we have the power to save ourselves. It is so obvious once you release yourself from the Bible we got and allow yourself to look at all of the teachings of Jesus.
Not that we need Jesus' teachings to enact the solution, but for those that believe in the Bible as absolute truth, I think we do. People need to understand exactly how we got the Bible we got, and who really created Christianity and why. At the least people need to be willing to look at the evidence. Getting past that hurdle is the hardest part. They don't call it "brainwashing" because it makes your brain less dirty. And this particular feat of brainwashing is 1700 years old. That's a whole lot of not actually less dirty brains, with a whole lot of echo chambers to alleviate the cognitive dissonance that arises when people actually look at the evidence, and a built in fear that immediately demands that "the Devil sent you" if you show it.
Good stuff... this very topic deserves a thread if it's own, perhaps as important as any if we're to answer the ultimate questions- such as who are we, who/how were we created, and does this journey continue beyond the flesh?