Fascinating substack on Ivermectin: "Ivermectin May Defeat Cancer and Other Common Chronic Diseases of Aging - If you think Big Pharma had good reasons to censor ivermectin during COVID-19 how about now when we know it is likely effective against all chronic diseases associated with aging?"
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
I was actually asking for a relative who has high blood pressure who would prefer to avoid blood pressure medication so this is helpful. Can I ask where are you getting this ashwaganda and astagalus? I have never heard of these but I just searched it on the internet and both immediately say they may lower blood pressure as well as the Ylang Ylang. How many dosages of ivermectin are you taking a week? Thanks.
I take it once a week...used to do twice a week but cut down to one...20guage takes it twice a week....just a regular dose....people dose the same as horses...
I have some Swanson brand...but I like NOW formulations...I just started the because they were so highly recommended by some docs I respect...they agreed these are the 2 most important herbs to take...they are Chinese herbs. ..Ayurvedic tradition...
Take the ashwaganda on an empty stomach...1/2 hour before eating or two hours after eating...
Also I have eaten a beet chew and it drops BP by ten points...just like to know lots of things that lower blood prssure...
How do you take the astagalus? My relative has tried the beets in pill format, the juice, and now the actual fresh ones where he cooks them but his blood pressure is still rising. He is also drinking coconut water which is supposed to lower it as well as eating avocados. I want him to try ivermectin but he is hesitant. I think he will be more willing to try the ashwaganda, astagalus, and the ylang ylang.