Slow march of The New Order - Big business - Big government - All under the banner of China's style of Communism. Peasants and slaves all of us. What western bureaucracy could not accomplish through criminal government and the removal of all that makes western democracy thrive, these criminal networks have combined their power to remove long held beliefs and our very culture.
I am convinced the accomplices number the hundreds of thousands, including the Biden clan. Add the Bush family, the Obama's, the Clinton's along with their administrations. Media empires along with them. The hidden pharmaceutical element to this spiders web of deceit shocks in the scope having played a major role in bringing together this ultimate takeover of us all.
Are you kidding me??!?!
He earned $666,666 from his domestic business interests????
C'mon!!!!!!!!!! LOL
The transcripts linked from the article state this.
"During calendar year 2017, Biden earned
21 substantial income, including: just under $1 million from a
22 company he formed with the CEO of a Chinese business
23 conglomerate; $666,666 from his domestic business interests;
24 approximately $664,000 from a Chinese infrastructure
25 investment company; $500,000 in director's fees from a
07/26/2023 06:49:28 PM Page 29 to 32 of 110 8 of 45 sheets
1 Ukrainian energy company; $70,000 relating to a Romanian
2 business; and $48,000 from the multi-national law firm."
how much longer can the MSM spin doctors keep spinning this dumpster fire presidency??
You have to credit them for having imagination.
Slow march of The New Order - Big business - Big government - All under the banner of China's style of Communism. Peasants and slaves all of us. What western bureaucracy could not accomplish through criminal government and the removal of all that makes western democracy thrive, these criminal networks have combined their power to remove long held beliefs and our very culture.
I am convinced the accomplices number the hundreds of thousands, including the Biden clan. Add the Bush family, the Obama's, the Clinton's along with their administrations. Media empires along with them. The hidden pharmaceutical element to this spiders web of deceit shocks in the scope having played a major role in bringing together this ultimate takeover of us all.
Cool, what about the other $16,336,000?
Are you kidding me??!?!
He earned $666,666 from his domestic business interests???? C'mon!!!!!!!!!! LOL
The transcripts linked from the article state this.
"During calendar year 2017, Biden earned 21 substantial income, including: just under $1 million from a 22 company he formed with the CEO of a Chinese business 23 conglomerate; $666,666 from his domestic business interests; 24 approximately $664,000 from a Chinese infrastructure 25 investment company; $500,000 in director's fees from a 07/26/2023 06:49:28 PM Page 29 to 32 of 110 8 of 45 sheets 29 1 Ukrainian energy company; $70,000 relating to a Romanian 2 business; and $48,000 from the multi-national law firm."
He gets $500,000 for each of his paintings. That $664,000 is small fry.
Wonder what he did to get docked the $2k