Musk and 8th PSYOP Group Banter on the Twitts.
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Oddly enough, this just made me think how precious my family and friends are, and the face to face time I spend with them--because everything else is a fake psyop.
My wife and I were discussing this at dinner last night. The convo emerged out of a discussion of distrust of the medical community and it spread to distrust/disbelief of just about everything in the world.
She repeated something she heard somewhere: A friend was talking to a Chinese immigrant friend and said in China, no one watches the news because they know it's all propaganda. Yet here in America, people haven't figured out that the news is propaganda yet. Game changing realization for most/many.
First and foremost, I am glad you and your wife were eating dinner together, and talking. That's probably not foreign to Anons, but you'd be surprised at how many married couples don't spend time together. You don't need kudos from me, but kudos anyway. Have a great weekend... hopefully there's a date night happening. As a matter of fact, I will now plan one for me and my wife.
It's my 3rd marriage and her 2nd. We took our lessons learned and hashed them out honestly in the beginning of our relationship. We've been together almost 20 years. Our ground rules when we got married were always be honest; don't be cruel; don't go to bed mad at each other; and have sex whenever possible. It's worked for us.
We just moved into a new custom house and it's still requiring a lot of sweat equity and $. We work on projects together, (gardening being a big one) work on them separately, leveraging our skill sets. I have some guy friends and she has her girlfriends, but mostly couple friends. We socialize a lot. Plus 2 of our kids now live within 30 min of us with the 3rd moving in with us next week. Now we find out our inlaws are done with FL, and they are moving to our smallish town to be near us (fun).
Bottom line is we have our together activities and our separate activities. We found a good balance between us. Hope you have the same, Fren.
Such a great story of success and commitment. There is much wisdom in the notion of choosing to work on a relationship. Many blessings.
Gosh, what a truly pleasant story & life. It makes me smile & feel reminded that there really are a lot more of 'us' than 'them'.
Sometimes it seems like the push for what Q referred to as "the 4%-6%" being the average or the norm starts to seep into our subconscious or something.
Then a nice reminder like yours wakes me back up again to see the truth.
Anyway, God Bless You & Yours ~
Thank you
Although the ratings are constantly declining on the "nightly news'' here right? Seems like with those numbers maybe 5% of the US population watches I believe right? If so could fall into the Q drop that states ''4-6% lost forever". Maybe I don't know, but it seems the awakening is expanding pretty massively. Just feels like many don't want to admit or face it like we all have just yet...
This just kinda made me laugh.
Gray Fox
I do not trust Elon c/elon
Why are they Airborne?
Are they jumping out of planes with computers in their backpacks?
They are tactical too, not just media dissemination.
Yes I just find it strange. Must be a good way to hide/ protect a team.
Flybys are often used for data gathering, etc
"Great, kid! Don't get cocky." — Han Solo, A New Hope