No one here is saying everything in space is specifically mentioned in scripture. Not everything on earth or in the seas are mentioned in the Bible either.
It does tell us that God created all things however. Time, space, and everything in it.
Do better handshake account. Don't misrepresent people. Also try to have some fun. It's a meme, not a collage thesis.
no, that's stupid. that narrative is a CIA psyop. which is why there's nothing to back it up, Biblical or otherwise.
God made other planets. its a big universe, full of life. just because the parasite media had decided it likes the idea of disclosure now, doesn't mean the real thing isn't coming.
edit: hey downdooters, go ahead and provide evidence, Biblical or otherwise, for the idea that all aliens are demons.
Try explaining how the extra terrestrial life forms could travel light years through space in a generational starship that was able to have the necessary gravity to continue to propagate its species. And then, once arriving, be able to deal with our gravity, atmosphere, and withstand the the onslaught of germs that they would be exposed to from all flora and fauna on this planet. I’ll wait.
I think we can just apply a bit of simple logic to the idea that there are extra-terrestrial human-like intelligences traveling incomprehensible distances to make contact with us and/or subversively take over and control us.
Any civilization with the technology to travel such incredible distances, could surely completely evaporate human life and suck out the earths natural resources in a split second, to return to their home planet. Why all the work trying to enslave or communicate with such inferior species?
There are certainly other human-like civilizations in the universe, as it would be mathematically unpalatable to assume otherwise. But the government’s “aliens” do not exist, and are 100% part of the “get everyone to believe a fake reality” agenda. And the believable contacts, other than the cases of those holy men and women who are visited by Divine Messengers (which are few and far between), are as a rule, elementaries (not to be confused with elementals), or the “demons” of the church, with whom contact can never produce even a modicum of goodness. They are the same as the “spirits” of the genuine seances, and most other “psychic contact” with the “departed.” They are tricksters with enough knowledge to fool the foolish, and are completely bereft of the Light of God.
Straw-man fallacy.
No one here is saying everything in space is specifically mentioned in scripture. Not everything on earth or in the seas are mentioned in the Bible either.
It does tell us that God created all things however. Time, space, and everything in it.
Do better handshake account. Don't misrepresent people. Also try to have some fun. It's a meme, not a collage thesis.
Good day.
excuse me, but my argument is not dishonest at all. i'm a long time user here.
i believe your meme implies far more than the fact that aliens were made by God. of course they were. so what is your meme really saying?
Demons; it’s a deception.
no, that's stupid. that narrative is a CIA psyop. which is why there's nothing to back it up, Biblical or otherwise.
God made other planets. its a big universe, full of life. just because the parasite media had decided it likes the idea of disclosure now, doesn't mean the real thing isn't coming.
edit: hey downdooters, go ahead and provide evidence, Biblical or otherwise, for the idea that all aliens are demons.
Try explaining how the extra terrestrial life forms could travel light years through space in a generational starship that was able to have the necessary gravity to continue to propagate its species. And then, once arriving, be able to deal with our gravity, atmosphere, and withstand the the onslaught of germs that they would be exposed to from all flora and fauna on this planet. I’ll wait.
Wrong, Bible is very clear that there are no aliens, only fallen angles and their offspring.
I think we can just apply a bit of simple logic to the idea that there are extra-terrestrial human-like intelligences traveling incomprehensible distances to make contact with us and/or subversively take over and control us.
Any civilization with the technology to travel such incredible distances, could surely completely evaporate human life and suck out the earths natural resources in a split second, to return to their home planet. Why all the work trying to enslave or communicate with such inferior species?
There are certainly other human-like civilizations in the universe, as it would be mathematically unpalatable to assume otherwise. But the government’s “aliens” do not exist, and are 100% part of the “get everyone to believe a fake reality” agenda. And the believable contacts, other than the cases of those holy men and women who are visited by Divine Messengers (which are few and far between), are as a rule, elementaries (not to be confused with elementals), or the “demons” of the church, with whom contact can never produce even a modicum of goodness. They are the same as the “spirits” of the genuine seances, and most other “psychic contact” with the “departed.” They are tricksters with enough knowledge to fool the foolish, and are completely bereft of the Light of God.
Provide evidence that the universe is full of life.
not mutually exclusive, bud.
edit: y'all realize that this site doesn't force a password recovery? this is maybe my fifth account here, and my last one had a pepe.