LINK HERE: Return to James Alefantis' PEGASUS MUSEUM / Temple for Satanic Rituals and Alleged Child Sacrifice
Flynn Calls for Pizzagate to be Investigated
You are so right @merissahansen17 and every single one of those who were even remotely in this pig’s circle of influence should be examined. And the #PizzaGate fiasco should also be reopened and investigated. This grotesque and inhumane abuse of children must end. There are those elites who are also involved in this despicable behavior and that is why they fight so hard to keep these stories out of the news as well as try to outright ban anything that further exposes their sick behavior (such as Sound of Freedom).
Original Post >> HERE
Do not skip the comments on both links!!
At one time they were calling Alefantis, a lowly pizza shop owner, the most influential man in DC.
If that doesn't tell you Pizzagate was real nothing will.
Alefantis was running a honeypot just like Epstein and Maxwell. He should be very very careful and watch his back. People that have evidence on powerful people can have things happen that shorten their lifespan.
The very fact that his name is resurfacing should scare the shit out of him.
slight correction >> he was the 49th most powerful person in DC, but your point is not diminished.
well he was the most powerful pizza shop owner in DC.
It’s a Rothschild. Look up its mother’s baphomet jewelry. Locals would hear screams from its pizza place.
It's a goofy magazine article about trends. It was never an actual list of powerful people. I think a MLB player was in that article, weather forecasters, event planners and other restaurant folks too.
You're on the wrong platform to try to run interference for Alefantis.
whose running interference for anyone?
I was told this was a research site.
Let me ask do think these meterologists hold actual power in DC? Or does the writer who promised his editor 50 person listicle start running out of ideas?
How about Charles Krautheimer? He was 45.
how about Svetlana Legetic, Jayne Sandman, Barbara Martin?
This guy? Still pitching. He's been an all-Star three times and has a lifetime ERA of 3.24. But did he actually wield power in Washington in 2012? Or was it a metaphor for the hot trendy new thing.
Are you a farmhand for a grower?
You are pretty good at 🍒picking!
Your predication is based on that it's silly because things like meteorologists are on it?
Amusing. Instead, you should be asking why and what makes them that way. Not what their public facing professions are.