Here is current day map of monthly precipitation anomaly. You can select a different day or month, or year to compare. Looks like May and April were very went across the Yangtze watershed, but June was pretty dry.
Thanks for the link. If I had not been corrected, this was the direction I was heading. This would have been a great link. I’ve saved it for future references.
That’s why I love this place. People helping 1/2 lit computer idiots like me :)
Here is current day map of monthly precipitation anomaly. You can select a different day or month, or year to compare. Looks like May and April were very went across the Yangtze watershed, but June was pretty dry.;108.8;4&l=precipitation-anomaly
Thanks for the link. If I had not been corrected, this was the direction I was heading. This would have been a great link. I’ve saved it for future references.
That’s why I love this place. People helping 1/2 lit computer idiots like me :)
Here is another one, and maybe better because it shows where drought/or wet condition exist.
You see this from today?
Dramatic Footage from China! Historic Flooding sweeps away homes and people in Beijing
Good cover for a big distraction. I hadn’t seen this.