PART 4 – Antarctica And Its Secrets
Admiral Richard E. Byrd, was sent on a mission to Antarctica with a large armada of 68 ships, 13 warships, an aircraft carrier with 33 aircraft, and 4700 navy and marine personnel. It was the biggest deployment ever to this part of the world. Why would Admiral Byrd be sent to Antarctica with such a large fleet of warships and record such fantastic experiences there?
In his official journal, he wrote of meeting tall Nordic looking people and their leader who was referred to as the “Master”.
“The great door slides noiselessly open and I am beckoned to enter. One of my Hosts speaks. “Have no fear, Admiral, you are to have an audience with the Master…”
Is it merely a coincidence that Satanic cults refer to Lucifer as the “Master”?
On December 8, 1954, Byrd appeared on the television show “Longines Chronoscope”. In the interview’ he said that Antarctica, in the future, would become the most important place in the world for science. Admiral Byrd’s prediction may be materializing.
In recent times, a bizarre list of public figures have traveled to Antarctica. The list itself contains individuals known to be members of secret societies. That list, just for the sake of a brief review, includes the following: King Juan Carlos of Spain, Prince Harry of Great Britain, John Kerry, Buzz Aldrin, Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill, XRP cryptocurrency co-founder David Schwartz, Bill Gates and Bill Gates, Sr., and Tom Hanks. Of course there’s also unconfirmed reports of other elites like Klaus Schwabb going there too. The timing of a trip to Antarctica by Secretary of State Kerry on election eve is especially odd. Election night is one of the historic nights in the United States, and in such an important night, the Secretary of State has a prominent responsibility to be on duty and be present in the office. So what is so important to call for his presence in Antarctica?
Then we have the Wikileaks DNC leaks of John Podesta, with attachments of 25 or so amazing photos of Antarctica. Again, why the interest in Antarctica? Previously in 1999, Bill Clinton visited the small USAF Air Mobility Command Base (“Deep Freeze”) in Christ Church, New Zealand and telephoned the American McMurdo Station base in Antarctica. How odd is this, especially from a person who said he “loathed” the military? Clinton was the first president to ever visit this American base. As a visitor to New Zealand in 1979, I was aware of this base, but I can honestly say there was nary a thought in my head to ever go there. New Zealand is a beautiful place with so many other places to see. So why would some of the most depraved people in the world be so interested in Antarctica? The growing list of people gets stranger and stranger, and despite their stated reason, there’s has to be something more going on than just “climate change”.
Hollywood has done a masterful job in the science fiction realm for greasing the axle to getting us all to wonder what is under the Antarctic ice. The recent spate of bizarre stories about Antarctica has only increased. The reporting of anything from ‘alien’ discoveries under the ice to the discovery of a lost civilization has a growing audience, to which there are those who ‘want to believe’. There’s no doubt a growing number of people are looking for some ‘savior’ to save us from ourselves. All the problems of the world are expressly reported as worsening, and by our mere presence, we are making it far worse.
To add to the mystique of Antarctica is author Linda Moulton Howe’s interview in 2018 of a retired US Navy Seal Commander and his colleague, a US Marine Special Ops analyst. The whistle-blowers claim that in August, 2003 they were carrying out a mission to extract a scientist from a huge, alien architecture at least 2 miles under Antarctic ice. Both whistle-blowers told her that in August 2003 they had been briefed about Antarctica’s alien presence, linked to Star Gate portals around Earth, and have been ‘terraforming’ Earth and our solar system for millions of years. The key word being used is ‘terraforming’, which means “to alter the environment of (a celestial body) in order to make capable of supporting terrestrial life forms”. In other words, we are being told God didn’t create life on Earth (including mankind), ET did. The whistle-blowers statement confirms the findings of Dr. Alnor that all of the ET stories are attempts to get us to change the way we think about God. They all attack the person of Jesus Christ and they all attack Christianity.
Dr. Alnor’s deliberation is well-founded when he warned us that the New Age god worshiped by UFO devotees may be one of the cleverest demonic onslaughts ever launched against humanity.
Other researchers have echoed Dr. Alnor’s statements and investigated secret government programs involving aliens, advanced technology, and the sinister conspiracy that is rapidly unfolding. The Faull Brothers have interviewed a former FBI special agent, a department of defense consultant, best-selling authors, and seasoned research professionals, who all unveiled pieces of this grand subterfuge . Watch the video here. What these witnesses and researchers reveal, is that we are fast approaching a great deception that will usher in the mark of the Beast System.
Next, PART 5 – “The Church Of Satan And Parallels To Extraterrestrials”
Go To "PROLOGUE – Biblical Times" To Begin "UFO Disclosure And The Last False Flag Card” Series.
Weirdly this was caught by GlobalFilter many times. Not sure what's up with that. I approved it yesterday to keep it as part of your series.. but it was removed again later. u/CatsFive are we breaching something on the site by going against GlobalFilter's wishes?
Thank you so much. I even removed all the links from PART 4 to see if that was the issue. I still couldn't see it on the main board though. From feedback I was getting, apparently it did post. Yet, I never could find it on the main board. A real head-scratcher.
Andrew Wommack has a series on "The Authority of the Believer", when contrasting the teaching from the Bible against what these plans are attempting to subvert, it makes sense for the cast out beings to do all possible in order to prevent a human from knowing the power and dominion that is available.
To get PART 4, I had to remove all the links. Even with this extreme action, it still did not appear on the main board for what I could see. Apparently, it finally posted. The question now is what links was providing the problem? Enigma.
Andrew Wommack sounds interesting... I will look into his Series. The cast out beings would be the ones from Lucifer's fall. The Watchers are imprisoned in darkness. Whether the the spirits of the antediluvian Nephilim, or a strange twist some occurrence outside of any record, their seed somehow survived the Flood are acting for the final battle. It's ironic that Aleister Crowley drew a demon he saw and it looks just like a Grey. Are these Greys demons or non-living synthetic beings developed in laboratories. If so, who had the advanced technology to create these EBEs. Was it from the knowledge of the pre-Flood Watchers? More specifically was it Azazel, who taught mankind how to make weapons, metallurgy, chemistry, and other technologies? It's probable that such knowledge was passed onto the sons of the Watchers (Nephilim). With the Nephilim, who are produced from the spirits and flesh, it written they shall be called evil spirits upon the earth, and on the earth shall be their dwelling. And the spirits of the giants [will] afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, do battle, and work destruction on the earth, and cause trouble. They take no food, but nevertheless hunger and thirst, and cause offences. From the days of the slaughter and destruction and death of the giants, from the souls of whose flesh the spirits, having gone forth, shall destroy without incurring judgement, thus shall they destroy until the day of the consummation, the great judgement in which the age shall be consummated, over the Watchers and the godless, yea, shall be wholly consummated. In the "Book of Giants", it makes clear that these spirits can possess humans and take "other forms". Is it possible a cloned human not having a soul can be possessed by these evil spirits having knowledge of advanced technology from the Watchers?
Thank you!!
Did you see it on the main board or did I send it to you personally?
Main board posting. Was very happy to see the missing Parts from yesterday!
Thank you!
Dude I’m loving these. It’s awesome how you link to the others in the series.
Thanks. It's been a struggle (especially with posting PART 4), and that caused me to wonder if people would be able to find the other parts. So, I went back and made the link to the PROLOGUE in each one of the later series. There may be an additional PART to the series. I'm not ready to post it yet, but I can link it to the earlier ones. The responses has been great with even more information. Thanks again.
There's a lot more to that admiral Byrd story too.
He saw tropical locale firsthand... Inside the earth.
Perhaps the gate to the bottomless pit is located there.
I've had real difficulty posting this. Did you see it on the main board? Every time I posted it, it did not show on the main board. Let me know for I am still troubling shooting the issue.
I did have difficulty seeing your op yesterday. When i would try to get into look at it it would timeout. All your other posts would open but not this one. Was able to get in and see it today though.
I got frustrated and decided to remove all the links within it. This may have been the issue. I still have all the links if interested.
Yes... interested in links.
Can you just post them here in the comments or does that trigger the filter?
One of the Mods, u/propertyofUniverse, manually posted PART 4 with the links. It can be found here:
Thank you!