“Bigger than you can imagine”
Q stated quiet a few times “bigger than you can imagine…”
How big can we imagine this to be? Anyone got any mind blowing theories?
Some people can do more when they are irritated than others can do in a towering rage.
Beware the simple man who wants to be left alone.
I find those who are not filled with rage and are present are sharper in combat. See: Bruce Lee and his philosophies
Fact check: true.
"towering rage" == not sober
Toxic emotions impair the brain much like booze does ie the persons higher brain functions shut down and the person is on auto pilot until emotional sobriety returns.
Hence Sun Tzus famous advice:
When your enemy is choleric (easily angered), irritate him".
Hence, Sun Tzu devotee, President Trumps famous comment:
"We like to troll. We're doing a little bit of trolling".
😍😍😍 Bruce Lee.
Yep. And it's also why sports players trash talk the opponents. They try to get them in their head and out of the present moment so they make more mistakes.
Some of us have done so much with so little for so long, that we can do darn near anything with nothing.