posted ago by Cuetardian ago by Cuetardian +28 / -1

A lot of us are uncertain about what to do now, with our nation taken over in a coup and our president threatened with prison and even execution.

We seem to think that only a big massive pushback will be effective, but that's not necessarily the case.

Don't wait for the big push. Start small. Start with trusted friends and family members. Coordinate plans with them over a card game or a barbecue or target practice. Stay connected, no matter what.

Small groups soon overlap with larger ones. A quiet network is what we need. When the time is right to move, either locally or nationally, you will know. We will all know. And we'll be ready.

How do you know who to trust? You don't. The only person you can really trust is yourself. You're going to have to go with your gut on this one. But that's what every soldier in the field is faced with sooner or later.

When dealing with the civilians around you, especially the weak ones, you can provide what might be called "soft leadership."

Remember: Sheep don't have much of an aptitude for leadership among themselves. All they care about is staying inside the herd. They do much better when they have a shepherd and a smart dog to show them where to go, help them find food and water, and protect them from the wolves.

We can all be shepherds and sheepdogs for those around us who are terrified to take the smallest action for fear of being forced out of the herd. Providing some soft leadership for the civilians - the sheep - around you might give them the guidance they need to stop panicking and work together.

A lot of us did this during the fake pandemic. We refused to wear masks, no matter how much we got yelled at in public. We absolutely refused any shots, no matter how they threatened our jobs or refused us service or shut us out of our own families.

We learned that in many cases, if one person dared to take off their mask in public then others would do the same. But somebody had to do it first and risk the ridicule and shunning that could follow.

To get started: SPEAK UP. No more silence. No more fear of being shunned or banned or criticized in public or in private. SPEAK UP. TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT'S REALLY GOING ON.

And gather those you trust into small quiet groups. Then look for more groups. I really think this is the way.

hold on - I'll be right back - somebody's knocking at my door