Do any of you guys have a link to a place that sells ivermectin and ships to North America (Canada)?
I got food poisoning the other day and I used ivermectin to get rid of it and it worked
I use the horse paste, I wouldn't mind having more horse paste, but if you guys know of any like human pill form ivermectin suppliers, that would be even better
Also AllDayChemist ships from India. It takes about 4-5 weeks. I have received 2 shipments of ivermectin, antibiotics, and for my dog-thyroxine. No prescriptions required. I had no problem with customs. They route it through another country. I believe they ship to Canada. Labeling is discreet. Amazon and have the ivermectin paste for your horse.
What does it help the dog with? Lost my job 7/28 immediately my dog is sick. No money for a vet so I'm treating it as pancreatitis. I've been debating trying to get ivermectin for him since it seems to knock the snot out of everything. Could use prayers for Copper too!
I am a super big fan of IVM but in this case may I recommend you look into horse mint. It is an herb, You can buy extract or pills at health food stores. My wife had her pancreas flair up now and then. We had a lady over who is an herbalist/nutritionist. She specializes in teaching how to forage on you own property or area. We have acres and she walked outside, picked some horsemint buds with flowers. Told us to take a few flowering buds and steep in some just boiled water. She has not had any flair ups since. In previous years I had been spraying this as I regarded it as just another weed in my pasture. This year I picked a bunch before I sprayed. Lastly, by steeping for 10 min the tea did not look very strong. We asked the lady and said that was the desired strength and that more was not better. Also, wait more than 24 hours for second dose , if needed, which she said she had never seen anybody need a second dose.
Oh, I am sorry to hear that about your dog. They are family, just like your child. Our dog has zero functioning thyroid. The vet put her on thyroxine twice per day. In the U.S. it is in milligrams, in India they sell it in micrograms. I bought enough for a year. Our vet couldn’t wait to get the Covid shot, his exact words. He is pro vaccines, so I am sure I will have a battle about no vaccines for our 12 1/2 year old cocker. I also bought her heart worm medicine in New Zealand, no RX required. I would try the ivermectin for your dog, it can’t hurt. What are your dog’s symptoms? You can give Copper the horse paste ivermectin, that is probably the cheapest form. If you suspect cancer, you probably should do both ivermectin and fenbendazole.
PETMECTIN and Petdazole are available on line, just do a search, compare prices to the horse paste and Amazon to determine what is best for you. Sorry to hear about your job. It is rough for many and I fear the next 1 1/2 years will be worse. I pray DJT is kept safe and is returned to the Presidency. I will keep you and Copper in my prayers.
I think that's where I got mine. In fact I just took my dose. A few days a month I take it prophylactically. Also got for my husband's sinus infection
I second alldaychemist. Ordered from them about 5 times for friends and fam with no issues.
I'm fully stocked up on ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, fenbendazole, ends a bunch of antibiotics.