NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan – Police Find: TENS OF THOUSANDS of Fake Registrations, Bags of Pre-Paid Gift Cards, Guns with Silencers, Burner Phones, and a Democrat-Funded Organization with Multiple Temporary Facilities in Several States
Does anyone else read this stuff and yawn? 😄
I’m so far past this that it’s hard for me to wrap my head around ppl being here that don’t already know and accept this as something that happened waaaayyy in the past.
I guess I need to keep reminding myself that ppl are still waking up, arriving here and they’re all not going to have woken up while knowing the election WAS actually stolen.
i cant look at this stuff. i still havent brought myself to watch 2000 mules. Its like rubbing salt in the wounds as they get away with it all...
I am sure there are people who read and yawn. Fewer then there were in the past I suspect.
Never accept it as something of the past. Otherwise they are no longer elections but selections. Those behind this would never face justice.
More people are waking up so when justice comes forth. There will only be a few fanatics who will rise up and will quickly be dealt with. We minimize the number of victim also.
I hear ya. I’ve read enough to be convinced of the election fraud, people, process and technology were all compromised. I don’t really care that they found a box of signed ballots numbered in sequence. While it is amazing how stupid they are, it no longer changes my perspective of the election. Covid is a other subject I find difficult to read about these days.