“I don’t think people realize how big this story is. GBI Strategies, the group paid $11M+ by Biden PACs to harvest fraudulent voter registrations in *20 states*, may be the root source of Democrat election rigging. The Gateway Pundit may have just exposed their entire fraud machine”
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸

Which means all the fucking rats have known for years the truth was coming. And they all lied to everyones faces the entire time. Theyknow the people will know the truth and have the evidence. And they still lie to everyones face.
when criminals are caught they always lie...
like ever watch Cops? its never the dudes crack/meth...
Ha! True. Its just amazing. This entire time all of us just waiting to see how it unfolds. While they all know they are caught and are lying to the world through their teeth.
Always lie, with every major story that eventually proves to be exact opposite of what deep state denies. And the puppet media echoes the lie, in fact even in the fact of obvious proof of guilt launches a counter-story without actually knowing the true source, or having any real facts.
Great story here Glen Greenwald does super job of pointing out how Washington press corp, NYT is nothing but mouthpiece for security state and Whitehouse liars.
Also see Assange interview of PM Imran Khan. Listen to what he says.