Rubber ignites at 600-700 degrees, but burns much, much hotter ( over 2000 degrees )
DEW is a PSYOP to distract, divide and confuse and worst of all, ignore the murder of hundreds of people and the destruction of our beautiful country.
Occam's Razor >> It's ARSON
Accompanying Post:
the phrase "DEW" has been used to discredit us for a long time.
not that I trust HAARP technologies, or deny the existence of lasers, but I always consider the term 'DEW' to be a big red flag.
The government admitted a long time ago that DEWs exist, are in use, and that China and Russia also have them.
so... you're quoting DS POS Esper?
The most likely use of DEWs in a space war is to shoot up from the ground at satellites. To date, they have only enough power to blind sensors, but that is as useful as destroying the satellite.
never said DEW's are fake
nice strawman
Hit the link in the OP at the bottom.
BTW.. lol MARK ESPER is the source of that quote your cheering for.. lol
do you know who he is?
So you simply don't think that directed energy was used in this particular case, then?
It's something right out of Simon Parks and his ilk.
you mean like THIS?