Rubber ignites at 600-700 degrees, but burns much, much hotter ( over 2000 degrees )
DEW is a PSYOP to distract, divide and confuse and worst of all, ignore the murder of hundreds of people and the destruction of our beautiful country.
Occam's Razor >> It's ARSON
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Direct Energy weapons exist. They were first deployed in the military in 2014. You can bet when we hear about technology the DOD has they are already 50 years ahead of what they tell us. Whether they have been used to start fires doesn't really matter, but they do exist:
They were used even earlier in Iraq, and 9/11. If you haven't seen Judy Wood's "Where did the Towers go" presentation, it's a doozy
Then why did the towers do the pancake sequence characteristic of timed implosion charges with the explosions coming from within the buildings on each floor in turn?
Why did paper survive the collapse yet all of the concrete was turned into dust? How were the firerfighters on the second floor able to survive that many floors coming down on them if it was purely controlled explosions? Why were all of the cars in the area singed and completely melted through, any of the ones that touched the dust? Why didn't the building register on the richter scale appropriately (that much mass would've generated a larger event)? What was going on with the geomagnetic field right up to and after the event?
All of the concrete was turned to dust? So what was the debris that they spent months removing then if the concrete was dust and just blown away? The blast wave can also push the papers out ahead of it.