Deep inside a Delaware strip mall closet, an old, forgotten Pentium computer's NPC.EXE is running wild, compiling deranged and out-dated modmails that read... well, retarded like THIS! Any local frogs up for a mission? Please find & unplug this poor museum relic of a PC! It is suffering! 🐸
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Hmmm ID Software Doom… so nice on these.🤓
Ha! Showing my age, but I was the first guy to get a Pentium in my neighborhood.
Doom ran too fast on it.
I had a VIC-20 which stored programs on cassette tapes, my dad had a '51 with the red switch, my friend had a TRS-80 and later I got the TI-99 with the huge floppy drive... good times
you ever stick the cassette tapes into a tape player? I miss that sound (and modems too).
Agree! Haha, it was a weird sound. You know that scene in Contact (1997) where Elly's blind friend is listening, "I hear structure. We have structure, here."
Lol yep!!! I hear that sound in my head just thinking about it 😂
My Commodore 64 had the cassette storage also. I was soooo excited to upgrade to the 5-1/4" single sided disk peripheral.
My dad and his coworkers used to trade "cracked" / bootleg games & programs almost weekly.
Made it much easier to do book reports than use my grandmothers mechanical typewriter.
I had a friend who had an AMIGA and I was SOOO jealous of its 16-bit colour! Did you ever program with it? Or just play games? I tried programming games