Don't know where she found this, but it seems spot on.
Don't know where she found this, but it seems spot on.
interesting, isn't it.
Who wrote it? Rockefeller?
Let's assume this doc contains the covenant as it actually has been made. Rockefeller (Steinhauer?) published it? Or was it some nobody Russian dude, meaning it was Russian fake news?
Either way ... the cat is out of the bag: back then! 100 years ago! An attempt thwarted!
Let's assume it is a forgery. Then why does it read as if this is a playbook? And what are they most afraid of? Consciousness!
But Consciousness of what? The truth around the absolute. 3-6-9.
They are afraid we will evolve to the next level, soul level wise. We’ve been here before and have not made it to the next level as a civilization. We are at the precipice. Either there is a great glorious awakening and our civilization and souls are able to bring us to the next level, or there is a reset. There have been many, many resets, God won’t allow things to get ridiculously demonic, or let the world be destroyed by nuclear war. This is not a prison planet, it’s a training construct. the entire universe. Created by God for us in order to learn and evolve in ways that we can’t possibly do in heaven, a different place altogether where we actually live and exist in our real lives, where the laws of physics are nothing like they are here. We choose to come here, we choose what challenges what we’re going to face, we choose who we are going to face them with. This hard existence is the quickest way for us to learn and share that knowledge.
The Satan worshipers on this planet are not one of us. They are working with other beings who do not want us to evolve, who do not want love to propagate. Love is the most powerful thing in existence, by the way, and it is everywhere, as God is.
This is truly a war of good vs evil, but God is truly in charge, and far more powerful than they are.