Similar to what we have seen with witnesses in the past with the JFK assassination. Amazing how the FBI FA classified Korean war veterans as not credible witnesses when they claimed the shots came from the grassy knoll. But more amazing is the chain of custody of the Oswald bullet. The FBI lab was able to examine it and determine it was Oswald's bullet. A hour before it was collected into evidence and missing the FBI FA initials on it. The fraud is right there in the chain of custody. Now who would want to go to trial with that chain of custody.
His name was Jim Garrison DA of Orleans Parish. He went to trial with the worst possible case even the Zapruder film couldn't help. But he did go to trial. The Jolly Green Giant was a law and order badass in a really corrupt town.
Exactly. bad news for the suspects is since it is a homicide there is no Statute of Limitations. And their are the charges for accessory to Murder after the fact for covering it up.
Basement of which tower? Because everyone thought a bomb went off due to 1993. No one in the garages or utility areas deep under immediately thought a plane hit.
All credit goes to God and Jesus who I ask daily to guide my steps and share their wisdom with me. I am just a benificary of that prayer and share it with all Gods children.
I believe this is old footage from a previous event. People seem to forget that there was a bombing in a basement parking garage of the World Trade Center on February 26, 1993.
1993 World Trade Center bombing.
Thank you for pointing this out. The question is why would they plan to blow the building as we hear in the video ? Reportedly in 1993 the bomb had already been blown.
Thanks at 3:20 people are talking about seeing another plane coming. This is good counter evedence for those few on here still convinced that the planes were CGI.
Similar to what we have seen with witnesses in the past with the JFK assassination. Amazing how the FBI FA classified Korean war veterans as not credible witnesses when they claimed the shots came from the grassy knoll. But more amazing is the chain of custody of the Oswald bullet. The FBI lab was able to examine it and determine it was Oswald's bullet. A hour before it was collected into evidence and missing the FBI FA initials on it. The fraud is right there in the chain of custody. Now who would want to go to trial with that chain of custody.
Also, the witnesses to Las Vegas, car accidents seemed to be a common way to get rid of them.
Amen, still using the old play book because it worked in the past.
His name was Jim Garrison DA of Orleans Parish. He went to trial with the worst possible case even the Zapruder film couldn't help. But he did go to trial. The Jolly Green Giant was a law and order badass in a really corrupt town.
I remember Garrison going to trial on this. Clay Shaw was the only person brought to trial for the JFK assassination.
It was the only time anything to do with the assassination got into a court in sixty years.
Exactly. bad news for the suspects is since it is a homicide there is no Statute of Limitations. And their are the charges for accessory to Murder after the fact for covering it up.
came from storm drain tho
Basement of which tower? Because everyone thought a bomb went off due to 1993. No one in the garages or utility areas deep under immediately thought a plane hit.
Many witnesses are still very much alive.
Hard for anyone to explain why they kept this hidden from we the people.
Because the planes did it, silly!?
... 😂🤦🏼♂️🤡🌎
I suggest everyone download and back this up. M Disc are good for 1000 years of storage
Thank you. Great reminder because this will quickly disappear4 like it did in the past.
Great find LakotaPride!! 👏
All credit goes to God and Jesus who I ask daily to guide my steps and share their wisdom with me. I am just a benificary of that prayer and share it with all Gods children.
I believe this is old footage from a previous event. People seem to forget that there was a bombing in a basement parking garage of the World Trade Center on February 26, 1993. 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
Thank you for pointing this out. The question is why would they plan to blow the building as we hear in the video ? Reportedly in 1993 the bomb had already been blown.
Did he say secondary or incendiary?
My apologies . Hopefully someone here can assist. I have a hearing H3 level hearing loss.
No need. I can't honestly tell because it's old video. But secondary device doesn't make sense lol
Unless the building was wired and this device did not detonate.
Wow, good clip, good find.
I do wonder how many of those people around that area are still alive today.
Would be nice to know how many are still alive and could share more insight.
How do we prove this is from 9/11?
Thanks at 3:20 people are talking about seeing another plane coming. This is good counter evedence for those few on here still convinced that the planes were CGI.
Good catch on the people reporting on another plane. Thank you.