Twitter/X/Musk - a theory
💭 Theory 💡
Everyone knows that if they take away our media we just build new ones to replace them with, ones they aren't in control of.
So, what if...Elon was tasked with taking over Twitter and allowing conservatives a voice again, thus voiding the need to build a new platform, but then just before the next election pull the rug once more, leaving no time to develop an effective counter?
"What did people expect?"
They expected a hero to somehow save them... and it seems they can't get that idea out of their heads. Even many on this board.
A few minutes of searching would reveal he's full of shit in many instances...
For example, he's heir to an emerald mine $$$
He didn't found PayPal (He was let go before the IPO)
He didn't found Tesla - two other guys did
And on and on and on...
People don't want to know because it shatters their childish fantasy
I hear you. If only people had a solid grasp on 'common sense' and the things that make for a good life, we'd all be way better off. For instance:
Well said.
Just imagine how powerful we'd collectively be, if we scuttled our egos and petty opinions.
Many of us have been around the block enough times to know that we really don't know squat....but we're real good at defending whatever factoid we're holding on to like a rabid parrot.
I'm just as guilty of this as the next guy. Cue the MJ mirror song...
A great source of documentary videos to attest to all of what you stated and so much more can be found at the "Common Sense Skeptic" youtube channel.