I attended and competed in a master’s swim meet over the weekend. About 80 athletes signed up. I participated in or overheard the following conversations. All were dialogues about sudden decreases in health. 5 people said they recently experienced a cancer diagnosis, 6 now experiencing chest pains when they workout or compete, 3 who experienced recent unhealthy weight loss including including muscle mass, 1 new diagnosis of Parkinsons, 1 new diagnosis of Alzheimers, 1 new diagnosis of lung issues, another another who can’t explain why they’re a minute slower for 400 meters (that’s a lot) since last year. You might expect this from athletes past the age of 60, but some of these complaints were coming from people in the 30 to 60 age groups.
Because of the meet, I missed church this morning, so I watched the service online. After the service, I checked on the prayer list. After seeing it, I also searched for the prayer list for the last Sunday of August 2019. We are a church with over 600 members and we consistently get between 900 to 1200 visitors each Sunday. The list is presently 12 times larger than in 19. We have more cancers, heart issues, other ailments than 4 years ago. The list from 2019 was mostly people over 70, and people under 40 made up less than 5%. Now the under 40 group is 50% of the list and 1/3 of this group is kids.
All of us posting and reading here may not know a “died suddenly”, but I would wager that we are in a circle of acquaintances who have suffered to some degree with the vaccines.
To be honest, I don't know. I don't know those long "doctor words." What she told me was that her arms and legs are all black and blue and that her feet tingle all the time now. She has also had melanoma things, I think she said pre-cancer things, that she had to get removed. She has also reported that she fell a couple times because her feet are basically numb. I don't know if that's related to your question, but it's what I know. To me, this all sounds like blood clots and nerve problems. I could be wrong. Either way, it's not good. She had 3, I think, shots and all the recommended boosters. My oldest sister had a stroke. To me, that's a blood clot. Again, I could be wrong.
The fact that her legs are black and blue is worrisome, black and blue as in being bruised? If that's the case she really could do with a D - dimer blood test to see if there's any micro clotting happening imo.
And yes the loss of sensation in her feet could be either bad circulation due to a clot or small fibre Neuropathy. Please see if she will have a blood test as above.
She is seeing a Dr. The SAME DAMN DR. that recommended the DAMN shot!!!!!! Sorry. I don't know what tests she's having done. She won't listen to me. She trusts the Dr. Idiot. You sound so much more logical that she is. I guess that's another side effect.
A lot of the Dr's won't face up to what's happening. A young girl, the daughter of a friend who is only 17 suddenly had lots of small bruises come up on her legs, and lost a lot of weight in 1 month! The Dr's wouldn't even run simple D - dimer blood tests. Criminal.
I'm NOT yelling at you. Perhaps you can see my frustration.
You're completely correct.