You're right! Invented in 1972 by the cabal. Despite all other "systems", e.g. circulatory, nervous, digestive, lymphatic, having long since been discovered a century earlier. They hijacked the lympahtic system and invented nonsensical entities like "antibodies" and "killer T-cells" to sell their deception. And it was darn good timing as a year later the gubmint declared that "health care" was to become a part of the national GDP, with a target of 5% growth every year after. And now look where we are!
There's no such thing as an "immune system" because there's nothing to "be immune to" in the first place. Boogeyman-viruses don't exist and bacteria and fungi are not contagious, pathogenic germs. The whole thing is one giant lie to strike fear in the hearts of humanity and disempower us. Plain and simple!
Immune systems are a conspiracy theory.
or white supremacy....
You're right! Invented in 1972 by the cabal. Despite all other "systems", e.g. circulatory, nervous, digestive, lymphatic, having long since been discovered a century earlier. They hijacked the lympahtic system and invented nonsensical entities like "antibodies" and "killer T-cells" to sell their deception. And it was darn good timing as a year later the gubmint declared that "health care" was to become a part of the national GDP, with a target of 5% growth every year after. And now look where we are!
There's no such thing as an "immune system" because there's nothing to "be immune to" in the first place. Boogeyman-viruses don't exist and bacteria and fungi are not contagious, pathogenic germs. The whole thing is one giant lie to strike fear in the hearts of humanity and disempower us. Plain and simple!
Keep us posted. IĀ“m very curious.
How'd this go on fakebook? Still up? It's been 16 hours