Have some that expired 2/23. Seems like a waste to throw away.... what do you guys think? Anyone used any that was expired before?
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Thanks, tweety51A, for all the info. Will try it this weekend. We, actually my daughter, has horses but I didn't realize that there was a pure IVM and also one with additives. And of course I won't share with my family just what I am doing and whose advise I am getting.......you can just hear it........... "you mean your are listening to someone on line who you know nothing about instead of your doctor". I learned long ago to not be too open with family at least not until you have some proof of success. I thought the CDC had stated that doctors can now write prescriptions for IVM, but I don't know any who ARE doing it. Blessing to you and yours for taking the time to help those of us who are a little slow getting started. We had been on Quercetin/VitC, Zinc and D3 a couple of years ago, but had not recently been as diligent to take them. Have a wonderful "rest of your life".
Thanks and you too...my husband thinks everyone online lies about everything...haha...so he would probably say the same thing. When I was preparing to treat my whole family for covid the horse paste was most accessible/cheap so that's what I went with and I don't mind it at all...we all had covid...but thank God I haven't been sick since.
I feel like my life's work is to share my lifetime of alternative healing with anyone who is interested. The other thing I started was intermittent fasting and that has worked wonderfully for me...especially being older...here is a video from Dr.Berg...
How to do Intermittent Fasting/With Printable Guide https://www.drberg.com/blog/how-to-do-intermittent-fasting-printable-guide
Let me know how it goes....
I LOVE DR BERG, tweety51A, As a Believer, it puzzled me for years as to why the scripture says clearly over and over that "By His Stripes You Are Healed" and other things like "I am the God who healeth thee", but yet we would all run to the doctor and think nothing of it. But about 20 years ago I felt very impressed to begin "to learn" how to believe the Lord for HIS healing. I'm not against doctors, in fact I think that they keep a lot of Believers alive UNTIL they can learn to believe Him for the healing the scriptures say they ALREADY HAVE. So little by little I progressed in the knowledge of how faithful God is in this area. One thing that kept me on that track is a statement the Holy Spirit made one day...... He said there is going to come a time in your life when you won't be able to go to the doctor. At the time, that statement was unbelievable almost. Well, we are almost there aren't we. I do appreciate your help so much. I just turned 84 this summer and finally feel like I am getting some where. I have also had a lot of healing by drinking 2 tablespoons of Organic Apple Cider vinegar in a glass of cold water everyday. Had a trigger finger and it was cured in just a few days. Juice of a fresh lemon every day will do the same thing. Amazing what you can find out if you just forget drugs and decide you don't want to die of prescription drug overdoses. They heal one thing but then do serious damage to critical organs. WE ARE OVERCOMING. Thanks for taking the time to give me your input from what you have learned. You are an ANGEL
That is helpful...someone asked what will help trigger finger...thank you...I will pass it along...yay...I love to collect proven healing methods...
I also take ACV daily to balance pH...I believe those verses also but God has given me at least 5 different alternative ways to heal almost anything so that has been my life...it doesn't bother me in the least not to go to a doctor...I just go for checkups/bloodwork...I figure he gave us nature and probably expects us to utilize it...it is an awful lot of fun to figure out what works naturally....love it...but He certainly can heal with just a word...sometimes that has to do with our faith I suspect. I was healed of fits of rage so I know that can happen...he truly wants us whole and healthy...inside and out.
If you have anything else that has worked let me know...I have 5 kids and 8 grandkids so by this time we have possibly had one of everything...I saw a video of a 106 year old Japanese woman who has NEVER been sick a day in er life and still works in the fields...pretty unbelievable....but obviously it CAN be done...Best of health...you sound like you are getting better not older...I know I am...I love your testimony...God does provide...He has always given me answers...ALWAYS...God is good...all the time...
tweety51A, sounds like you have been one busy chick learning all of the natural stuff. My hubby had the trigger finger a few years back. Doctor said operation. He went to the "snap, crack & pop" doctor for adjustment and although the doctor gave no guarantees, he said he thought he might be able to help and it completely went away. By the time I had the trigger finger, we had learned about Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar.....2 tablespoons in a glass of water daily so that is what did the job for me.......will also absolutely CURE arthritis. If you add equal amounts of the Vinegar and Honey into water it makes a very refreshing summer time drink that is very healthy. Fresh squeezed lemon juice in water is also almost as good as the vinegar. We have 5 grands and in another week or so will have the 4th GREAT-Grand.......... Have a great Labor Day.