organize with a large group of people and shop unmasked en masse. Are they going to kick out 50ish people all at the same time?
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Really and truly I didn’t do the mask thing except maybe 2-3 times and thought if they kick me out ( I’m 70) okay I’ll order through favor delivery free for seniors— no one ever said a word to me— never wiped a cart / never used hand sanitizer/ rarely wash my hands unless bathing or washing dishes— I’ve not been sick or to a doctor in many years— humans lived for millennium without insurance or “ health care” as it’s called today— We’re still here as much as they try to kill us off throughout the centuries— we’re still here — think about that..
I do like to wipe carts when they are sticky and do wash my hands but otherwise, live just like you! :)
I'm with you, a lot of people are filthy fuckers.
I am sorry, but this is true. Wash your hands, please.
I laughed too hard at this
You of course do you — I was a Med tech and a taxidermist so body fluids/ et al never bothered me — never sick either 😁
Embrace the germs and bacteria!
I did everything but lick doorknobs. And considered that.
You were strengthening your immune system. I did the same thing except I did use the hand sanitizer and I did wipe the cards. I also did not follow the directions that we were told to go in down the aisles. Got a lot of dirty looks oh well