I disagree. He was being sincere when he went all TDS because he thought the conservative movement followed him more than Trump. Once he realized he was losing viewership over this he suddenly did an about-face. I dont trust him
At least he has the balls to admit he was wrong. I was on the fence myself until he started waiving that majik wand and jobs started pouring back into the USA. And then Q started posting and I will never look back. Trump is my guy now. 110% but beck has admitted he was wrong and he is 100% on team MAGA!
So what? This man was not some know nothing who didn't know any better than to listen to what the tv told him! With his research, and subsequent lectures, he knew all to well what this country was up against with the Clintons. Yet, he still tried to stop Trump from saving this country!!!! In the famous words of Roseanne "Wake up people". Also, you have no idea who has forgiven him, but I suggest nobody forget what he did. I wish him no ill will, but he should not be in a position of influence due to his bad choices.
He has made it right. In your way of thinking we should throw you in the ocean for that one sun you committed years ago. You are what is wrong with America. Learn to forgive or else all is lost!
Beck and Rush with the tea party movement were my introduction to the idea of the government being a giant overgrown cancerous mess that it is from my parents. I stopped hearing from him once he left Fox but he was always more in our direction compared to say Hannity or O'Reilly used to be to me.
Exactly. Glenn is a libertarian. So his reluctance to trust Trump was understandable. Nobody knew Trump was going to do what he did. For so long politicians have promised the moon and never delivered. Then Trump proved himself. I voted for Cruz because Trump was the biggest egotistical proud puffed up antichrist in the race. But he delivered. And there was no way I was voting for a baby murdering Clinton. Glenn is one hell of a historian and he knows his stuff. But without Glenn you would have never had sound of freedom! Period! He single handed Financed that whole operation. The fact that he has always been for rescuing the children that are trafficked has always to me been a hallmark of greatness. You can tell which ones will fall for the antichrist and take his mark because their pride blinds them.
IMHO I disagree. Beck, and Cruz (who I initially supported) both were willing to let Hillary win so Trump would lose. They had to know that would destroy this country. It is one thing to forgive, but we should never forget.
Sure, forgive his actions..........I personally don't. But even so, something as egregious as promoting the stabbing of our POTUS......, IF he does have his apology accepted by some, it does not mean he gets to just continue on the same path.
He is discredited as a journalist. He needs to find something else to do.
Remember when he called us "birthers" during the TEA Party movement when we (rightfully) questioned Hussein Al-Barakah's birth certificate? I do.
Cheeto-face was not his first thumb-in-the-eye to the TEA / MAGA Party.
Recognize controlled-opposition when you see it. Beck IS it........
At one point, Beck remarked at how irked he was that everyone was addressing DJT as "Mister" Trump. He had a problem with the respect offered by the word mister. That's how far Beck was up Ted Cruz's butt lol.
It's hard to listen to Beck after he was such a crazy Trump hater during the campaign. After that cheeto face stunt, good grief.
Saul to Paul.
I disagree. He was being sincere when he went all TDS because he thought the conservative movement followed him more than Trump. Once he realized he was losing viewership over this he suddenly did an about-face. I dont trust him
Or maybe he just realized he was wrong.
Christians shouldn’t question repentance when it is backed by action.
This is truth. I don’t understand the lack of forgiveness, forebearance, and long suffering. If you lack these fruits you might not be born again.
Beck's a Mormon.
Christians should most definitely question people who wear magic underwear and read W. Cleon Skousen.
Entheos on TS basically posted he was threatened by "them". Hence their control over him during certain periods.
Saul to Paul to Judas.
Glen has done some good programs but ....
Always a but with Glen. I don't trust him.
At least he has the balls to admit he was wrong. I was on the fence myself until he started waiving that majik wand and jobs started pouring back into the USA. And then Q started posting and I will never look back. Trump is my guy now. 110% but beck has admitted he was wrong and he is 100% on team MAGA!
Problem is, once a guy wades into that territory, you never know if he's really sorry or if its just a tactical retreat.
His actions were not reasoned or logical. They were schizo/sociopathic.
Why TF would I trust a double-minded guy about anything?
Beck is HALLMARK controlled-op.
So what? This man was not some know nothing who didn't know any better than to listen to what the tv told him! With his research, and subsequent lectures, he knew all to well what this country was up against with the Clintons. Yet, he still tried to stop Trump from saving this country!!!! In the famous words of Roseanne "Wake up people". Also, you have no idea who has forgiven him, but I suggest nobody forget what he did. I wish him no ill will, but he should not be in a position of influence due to his bad choices.
He has made it right. In your way of thinking we should throw you in the ocean for that one sun you committed years ago. You are what is wrong with America. Learn to forgive or else all is lost!
I’m sure you’ve made bad choices in your life so stfu. We don’t need your influence!
He’s made up for it.
It was because of beck that operation underground was funded. 80% of the money came from Becks audience. Don’t believe me, ask Tim Ballard!
Beck and Rush with the tea party movement were my introduction to the idea of the government being a giant overgrown cancerous mess that it is from my parents. I stopped hearing from him once he left Fox but he was always more in our direction compared to say Hannity or O'Reilly used to be to me.
Exactly. Glenn is a libertarian. So his reluctance to trust Trump was understandable. Nobody knew Trump was going to do what he did. For so long politicians have promised the moon and never delivered. Then Trump proved himself. I voted for Cruz because Trump was the biggest egotistical proud puffed up antichrist in the race. But he delivered. And there was no way I was voting for a baby murdering Clinton. Glenn is one hell of a historian and he knows his stuff. But without Glenn you would have never had sound of freedom! Period! He single handed Financed that whole operation. The fact that he has always been for rescuing the children that are trafficked has always to me been a hallmark of greatness. You can tell which ones will fall for the antichrist and take his mark because their pride blinds them.
IMHO I disagree. Beck, and Cruz (who I initially supported) both were willing to let Hillary win so Trump would lose. They had to know that would destroy this country. It is one thing to forgive, but we should never forget.
Sure, forgive his actions..........I personally don't. But even so, something as egregious as promoting the stabbing of our POTUS......, IF he does have his apology accepted by some, it does not mean he gets to just continue on the same path.
He is discredited as a journalist. He needs to find something else to do.
Remember when he called us "birthers" during the TEA Party movement when we (rightfully) questioned Hussein Al-Barakah's birth certificate? I do.
Cheeto-face was not his first thumb-in-the-eye to the TEA / MAGA Party.
Recognize controlled-opposition when you see it. Beck IS it........
And, speaking of the TEA party, he called Sarah Palin a clown, and said he was embarrassed he supported her. What a jerk.
At one point, Beck remarked at how irked he was that everyone was addressing DJT as "Mister" Trump. He had a problem with the respect offered by the word mister. That's how far Beck was up Ted Cruz's butt lol.
But I'm glad he's seen the light.