100% the DS has the tech to do all this stuff,and much more imo. This is their death rattle cause they’ve been defeated by PDJT and the white hat alliance.
HAARP is another weapon in their arsenal. I also believe they have knowledge of how to cure diseases and technology for free, clean, sustainable energy. Telsa knew that, but he said the government would never allow it.
I told my husband we can be killed at anytime nowadays. If we make it through The Plan, we will be the lucky ones.
They have been bringing up the San Andreas fault that runs the length of California. It's concerning.
at any point in history, we all could have been wiped out. it isn't your fears that have kept you alive this long. it is only the grace of God. have faith in that.
I studied hydrogeology under one of the most eminent hydrogeologists at Stanford. One of the first lectures we got was that injecting fluids along fault lines (such as what occurs during fracking), can induce earthquakes by lubricating the plates. I can't say that DEWs can or cannot cause such things (I know nothing about such tech), but I can say with definitive certainty that the case studies we had to look over for contaminant hydrogeology showed that 100% it is possible to artificially induce an earthquake by chemically liquefying the rock along fault lines. Just wanted to point this out to consider other means of causation.
Yes, and if you watch Dutchsinse, who is merely observing things, not claiming any established science, apart from using interpretations of plate boundaries (fairly well established) and earthquake records registered by multiple agencies - so they are objective data. He correlates swarms of small earthquakes to vast arrays of drill-points, (obvious)- viewed via Google Earth - and they are covering the country-side in grids.
Also, I too studied Hydrology and other Geology for my Bachelors. I was fortunate to have a freshly-minted PhD teaching glacial geology. He was adamant we were in for a cooling similar to the Maunder minimum (He predicted around 2000), from evidence he found during his thesis- that we were overdue for it - by analysis of thousands of years of tree-rings, lichens in the arctic circle and ice-cores. He pointed out that the Global Warming narrative was not scientific. This was when Al Gore's Movie of global Warming/(((must-pay-Carbon-Credits)))- Oh look! A Polar Bear; and other natural disasters, was making the rounds. The Prof was also very dubious about fracking. He also explained how Carbon Dioxide did not warm oceans. Carbonic Acid is unstable and will return to being Carbon Dioxide gas and water - in equilibrium, and besides, the earth flourished when there was lots of it about. I'd venture to say he was one of my first wake-up calls.
There I was, thinking everything was as written, and studying to become a useful member of society was an appropriate path - and here was Al Gore lying and coining it. He even had tons of support. They are all scum - and uneducated to boot - but they are so prolific, and even drum up political support for their dangerous ideas. Industrious and Stupid. A recipe for disaster.
Yes. I made an extensive post on this man. Go here to read it:
Thanks fren, this is why I love this place. Whatever someone brings up, someone else has done/shared extensive digs.
has everyone just forgotten everything about HAARP?
where my OG tin foil hatters at?
earthquakes are often associated with atmospheric effects, and it was always said that HAARP could use this relationship to trigger earthquakes.
100% the DS has the tech to do all this stuff,and much more imo. This is their death rattle cause they’ve been defeated by PDJT and the white hat alliance.
HAARP is another weapon in their arsenal. I also believe they have knowledge of how to cure diseases and technology for free, clean, sustainable energy. Telsa knew that, but he said the government would never allow it.
I told my husband we can be killed at anytime nowadays. If we make it through The Plan, we will be the lucky ones.
They have been bringing up the San Andreas fault that runs the length of California. It's concerning.
at any point in history, we all could have been wiped out. it isn't your fears that have kept you alive this long. it is only the grace of God. have faith in that.
I studied hydrogeology under one of the most eminent hydrogeologists at Stanford. One of the first lectures we got was that injecting fluids along fault lines (such as what occurs during fracking), can induce earthquakes by lubricating the plates. I can't say that DEWs can or cannot cause such things (I know nothing about such tech), but I can say with definitive certainty that the case studies we had to look over for contaminant hydrogeology showed that 100% it is possible to artificially induce an earthquake by chemically liquefying the rock along fault lines. Just wanted to point this out to consider other means of causation.
Yes, and if you watch Dutchsinse, who is merely observing things, not claiming any established science, apart from using interpretations of plate boundaries (fairly well established) and earthquake records registered by multiple agencies - so they are objective data. He correlates swarms of small earthquakes to vast arrays of drill-points, (obvious)- viewed via Google Earth - and they are covering the country-side in grids.
Also, I too studied Hydrology and other Geology for my Bachelors. I was fortunate to have a freshly-minted PhD teaching glacial geology. He was adamant we were in for a cooling similar to the Maunder minimum (He predicted around 2000), from evidence he found during his thesis- that we were overdue for it - by analysis of thousands of years of tree-rings, lichens in the arctic circle and ice-cores. He pointed out that the Global Warming narrative was not scientific. This was when Al Gore's Movie of global Warming/(((must-pay-Carbon-Credits)))- Oh look! A Polar Bear; and other natural disasters, was making the rounds. The Prof was also very dubious about fracking. He also explained how Carbon Dioxide did not warm oceans. Carbonic Acid is unstable and will return to being Carbon Dioxide gas and water - in equilibrium, and besides, the earth flourished when there was lots of it about. I'd venture to say he was one of my first wake-up calls.
There I was, thinking everything was as written, and studying to become a useful member of society was an appropriate path - and here was Al Gore lying and coining it. He even had tons of support. They are all scum - and uneducated to boot - but they are so prolific, and even drum up political support for their dangerous ideas. Industrious and Stupid. A recipe for disaster.